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Research On The Image Of Wuyi

Posted on:2010-08-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P OuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360275468867Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The government leaders will leave their impression on the public by what they have done in public affaires, their overall images on peoples' mind and comprehensive appraisal made by common people . The images they kept on the public's mind influence directly the image of our government. Therefore, in modern society, leaders should try to leave good impressions on the public.With the gradual improvements of women's social status ,it is a hot topic that whether women should be engaged in politics or not . Actually it is difficult for them to take their roles in politics because of the prejudice of traditional culture, the pressure from the public media and the rigid image that they have given to the public .So it is important for them to have an example to follow if they want to have their voice heard in politics and Wuyi is such a woman leader.She displayed to us all the charming leader, who was of strength, gentleness and commitment to the benefits of the people. she has reaped for what she had sowed, giving full display of her wisdom in her rising from an ordinary officer to a leader of the central government. For what she has accomplished, she has received great respect and admiration by people with her brilliant achievements and her good leadership. She was always in the front in those urgent actions such as the fighting against The SARS and AIDS, the struggle against insecure drugs and food. She showed no sign of regression in diplomatic negotiations if she thought no compromise should be made, thus even winning the admiration of her opponents. As a director of the State Council Committee for Women, she tried to protect the interests of women and children in every possible way. She served wholeheartedly for the people while she was working. When the time came for her retirement she took her resignation with smiles. She is worthy of the mane of a "good premier"----mild but strong-willed; Modest and prudent, she is a little woman but can tackle with big emergency; Diligent and practical, she was "people's servant" who dares to take all the responsibility; a "charming lady" with kind-heartedness as she is, she cares about her staff. And she is a "professional woman worker" who seek no fame and fortune and who dares to go against the prejudice rooted in our tradition.For women who will be engaged in politics, Wuyi has set a good example for them to follow as if she was a mirror or a navigation mark. We hope that we will have more officials as marvelous as Wu Yi working in the government in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Image of leadership, Woman Leading Image, Wuyi Image
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