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On Rising Abruptly In Area Of Central China And Fostering High-Level Talent In Hunan Province

Posted on:2009-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360245966285Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the strategy of "Rising Abruptly in Area of Central China" was Proposed, Central area of china is focus on developing themselves. They put forward to speed up construction from different aspects and angles in order to achieve rising abruptly truly in central section of China. Rising abruptly of central section of China is not only the rising abruptly in economy purely, but also in education, culture and so on. So it is necessary to deepen the Intensity development of education. The function of higher education can't be underestimated in fostering talent especially in fostering high-level talent. They can contribute their power for the development of economy in their area.This paper mainly on the perspective of education to expound how to achieve rising abruptly of area of central China finally. In order to achieve its rising abruptly central area need certain goals under the guidance and this goal can be regarded as a central area comparative and reference standards, meanwhile, demanded conditions of the rising in Central need be taken into account, the conditions are composed of various factors: increased central area provinces per capita GDP is material and prerequisite of talent training; controlled the size of the population and improved the quality of the population is sufficient conditions for changing the population advantages into human resource advantages of central area; education especially higher education is the necessary conditions to train sufficient quantity and outstanding quality of high-level professional talent and other conditions. On this basis, establish talent requirements of the standard, in order to expound clearly on this issue, it should give a brief statement on the relationship between rising abruptly in area of central China and training the high-level talent, that is the standard can be seen as a reference of high-level talent training in Hunan province whether come up to standards, and established the requirements of quantity and the provisions of quality of training high-level talent in Hunan province. The requirements of quantity were exposed: high-level talent of the population density; enrolment rates at all levels of education; university teaching staff level; training of high-level talent in the requirements of education input. In the training of high-level talent on the provisions of quality: high-level talent academic qualifications; college faculty ranks academic qualifications and the contribution rate of high-level talent to the community. How does Hunan province on the training of high level talent play its role in central area development? From the training of high level talent in Hunan province in the strategic significance of central China can be seen its role and value. Of course, we should introspect that Hunan province exist what problems in fostering high-level talent, Compared to yesterdays, the structure of gradation for post graduation academic degree have consummated to some extent, but the ratio of undergraduate course, Master and Doctor is not coordinate yet; The structure branch of learning and socialized subject of post graduate have diversified increasingly, but complete not enough; In the respect of training pattern of postgraduate, Ordinary full-time higher education have developed slowly; Distribution in area of colleges and universities focus on the area that have develop perfectly and quickly ,but they distributed to center and West in Hunan province were rare. The scale of University specially appointed teacher have taken up very small, and so on. Facing these issues and the actual situation of the training of high level talent in Hunan province can reach meaningful enlightenment: Compare to East area, central area's overall actual strength was insufficient, which is difficult to provide strong and forceful outside environment to area of central China; The ratio of student to teacher in high level is a bottleneck that affect on fostering the quality of talent; Being short of education funds seriously restricted teaching and various scientific researching activities to launch smoothly; The power of science and technology innovation being disadvantage relatively is difficult to launch the strength for local development of various cause, and so on. According to existing the problems and reaching the enlightenments of training high level talent in Hunan province puts forward to the high-level talent training and development of constructive strategies and recommendations. From the plane of strategy, we should provide tolerant and free surround of system to promote development rapidly in Hunan province; We can speed up training of high-level talent from quantity and quality. In order to supply enough talent that is necessary for development of economy to Hunan province. Among which we can attach importance to the building of teacher troop. Education especially higher education can foster more high-level talent who may contribute their spiritual motivation and intellectual support to local building of economy, development of science and technology, construction of spiritual civilization and management of hygiene and others fields to realize the rising abruptly of Hunan province genuinely. Through regional coordination takeoff and rising abruptly in area of central China can be reached finally.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rising Abruptly in area of Central China, High-Level Talent, Hunan Province
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