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The Difference Of The Animation Marketing Model Between Disney And Blue Cat

Posted on:2008-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Native Animation industry hasn't gotten any grows since 1960s and the Animation products of American, Japanese and Korean took up 90% of Chinese Animation market. Based on the analysis of the United States Animation marketing model as a basis for review of domestic marketing mode and through in-depth comparative study that track domestic marketing mode marketing track with the United States on the differences lie. To track domestic marketing and industrialization of the road provide some guidance and reflection.This paper adopts the method of case study to discuss differences of the animation marketing model in Disney and Blue Cat. The paper probes into the approaches, marketing models, differences, brand extension, the limitation and future research directions we faced.Through the research, the author gets findings as follows: The character of the marketing model of Disney and Blue Cat is almost the same as the literature marketing model which is come from 4P marketing model. And the model of Animation marketing includes of 4 stages which are Product, Communication, Market exploit and Marketing techniques combination. This is what the same the two Animation brand have.However they have differences just from the 4 stages: 1, Product: Disney's quality VS Blue Cat's quantity; 2, Communication: owns powerful Media by itself Blue Cat's nearly zero income from TV; 3, Market exploit: Disney's Media brand and extends rightly;Blue Cat's children animation and extends crazily; 4, Disney's Marketing techniques combination: Disney's metropolis parks'Disneyization;Blue Cat's middle and little city Animation series shop and the strategy of the price cutting off .Finally, Due to the time, energy and other objective constraints, and the research is certain limitations, this study is descriptive study, not examining in depth the reasons behind the phenomenon; no external factors to affect the marketing model for a comprehensive and thorough research. These limitations, it is also the future to continue to study the direction and breakthrough lies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Animation, Marketing Model, Comparison Research
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