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Internal Governance State-Owned Commercial Banks

Posted on:2008-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WeiFull Text:PDF
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Corporate governance is the core competence of commercial banks. Three years ago, the 3rd. reform of Chinese banking entered the critical stage. The core aim and ultimate solution of the reform of the state-owned banks is the construction of regular corporate governance. As China's WTO transition period comes to an end in December 2006, it's high time to research into internal governance of the state-owned banks objectively and deeply, so as to improve the reform and to shape the core competence of Chinese banking to front challenge from foreign banks.The thesis has 3 parts:Chapter 1: Introduction and main content. Firstly, it explains that corporate governance is the core competence of commercial banks, which forms the core aim of the reform of state-owned commercial banks;then it summarizes the primary problems of internal governance before the 3rd. reform. Then the issues to be researched are put forward and the research approach is chosen.Chapter 2: Prior research conclusions and foreign experience of commercial banks'corporate governance. Prior research conclusions and principles of bank corporate governance are summarized in this part. Then a typical case of an international leading bank's experience is given for demonstration purpose. All of these facilitate the further analysis in the next part.Chapter 3: Internal governance of state-owned commercial banks in China. By virtue of theories and principles, as well as rules and regulations of corporate governance in China, the outstanding problems of Chinese state-owned commercial banks are analyzed in detail. BOC is taken as a representative and the research is formulated in the aspects of ownership, internal governance structure and mechanisms. Based on the international experience, a framework concept for integrated internal governance system to shape the core competence of the banks is put forward.Corporate governance of commercial banks is a topic intervening between economics, management, finance and law. It's also an evolving issue and a new field even in the developed countries. What this thesis aims to do is to utilize relating theories to research the practice of internal governance of state-owned commercial banks in China in the transforming economy and to contribute some beneficial ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:State-Owned Commercial Banks, Internal Governance, Bank of China
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