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Marketing Strategy Management Of AIA

Posted on:2008-10-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L M CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360242970947Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The 15-year development course of American International Assurance Company Limited, (AIA) starting in China, including all aspects of operation and marketing model of strategy and tactics to enterprises has given many useful instructions in life insurance industry. Affected by the policy, AIA had fostered its core competency and gained unique market advantage in the fierce competition by its unique coastal strategy, the "elite" agent system, making strategy choice and arrangement in light of locality, people and itself. AIA had been allowed in 2006 to expand its business scope and region, which means that AIA would end the structure of operating independently by branches for a very time. Future development trend will be a uniform top-down model from the head office to branches. That will lead to great internal adjustment in marketing model and management model. It is very necessary to discuss whether the past successful experiences could be copied once more which will become the greatest challenge in the next phase.This thesis will focus on the management of marketing strategy, discuss the structure change of life insurance industry and marketing, summarize the successful experience of AIA in the past 15 years in China, probe into the marketing strategy of AIA in the second development period facing new environmental opportunity and challenge and raise new methods to solve problems in development.There are five chapters. Chapter I is the introduction of research background, writing thinking and research methods. Chapter II describes the development of AIA in China, starting from its historic development background in China and generally introducing AIA's development and achievement in China by describing its market share, scale, development speed and operational characteristics. Chapter III will analyze business development external environment, starting from macro-environment and industry environment, and applying five forces model to analyze marketing environment AIA is in these 15 years. Chapter IV will be a hint for the later chapters by analyzing the present conditions of operating model, management of agent marketing channel and the first-line office staff that support this channel, making a deep analysis of AIA's marketing in China by applying SWOT method. Chapter IV will be marketing strategy of AIA in new circumstances. New solutions to problems of development will be raised by probing into its strategy in the past 15 years and the opportunities and challenges it facing under new circumstances. Chapter IIV is conclusion. Special emphasis will be put on that in new historic period only grasping the opportunity, giving full play to its own advantages, integrating resources, improving internal operational strategy, organization structure and the relative human resource system according to the internal and external environmental characteristics, permanent and steady development of AIA would be assured.
Keywords/Search Tags:AIA, Marketing strategy management, Agent, Trainer, ADE
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