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Sustainable Development City And Core Competitiveness

Posted on:2009-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360242492963Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cities are the signs of modern civilization, is a regional political, economic, cultural, science and technology, education and the center of people, goods, capital and the hub of industry and the operation of an enterprise carrier, is the embodiment of the advanced social productive forces platform. Urban development reflects the level of a country's overall strength, the government's management ability and market competitiveness, and become a modern society the focus of attention.City competitiveness and sustainable development issues discussed directly from the modern science and technology, and economic conditions of cities and urban development context of the impact on human society. The process of urbanization is accelerating, the city intensified competition in urban development and put forward new requirements, and promote the sustainable development of cities conform to modern society become an inevitable trend in the development of an important strategic choice. Adhere to the guidance of the scientific concept of development, systems and accurately grasp the city competition and the characteristics and patterns of development, will enhance the competitiveness of the urban core as an important means of promoting the city's sustainable development, and to uphold the values and the establishment of city, the comprehensive development and more harmonious with the natural ecology of the urban road of sustainable development and promoting a harmonious society and building a comprehensive well-off society, has an important historical and realistic significance.Analysis of urban development and evolution of the basic and laws on human and social development in the cities of the important status and the human economic, political, cultural and social impact on the development of that city in the realization of the modern city of material and spiritual civilization and political The important role of further analysis of the process of urbanization of the human society a profound impact on clarifying the level of urban development reflects the comprehensive national strength, the management capacity and market competitiveness of the city's success is the country's success also noted that cities in developing As the process of development concepts, such as the limitation of strategic development and influence, but also brought many problems, and particularly against modern city in China's urban development of the outstanding issues that promote the sustainable development of cities and urban development in the direction And the inevitable trend of urban civilization, and take the road of sustainable development urban development is an inevitable choice for city;Through the traditional sense of sustainable development concept as bedding, leads to urban values, and the comprehensive development of man and nature in harmony and common prosperity for the perspective of the city's comprehensive understanding of sustainable development concept, that is, under the guidance of scientific concept of development "trinity" of the city Sustainable development concept, that is, enhance the value of the city, the comprehensive development of man and nature, harmony and common prosperity of the "three-in-one"; urban development, coordination, continuing in the "trinity" of the economic benefits of urban development, social efficiency and ecological benefits of the "three-in-one." And a clear conception of urban sustainable development of the basic philosophy and basic, that enhance the capacity of urban development, coordination and sustainable capacity to achieve sustainable urban development focus on the important ideas and direction;Through the urban core competitiveness of the composition of the general law and the system features a brief analysis, in achieving the city on the value of the urban core competitiveness and sustainable urban development of mutual relations. And on this basis that the urban core competitiveness of the features of the system in line with the connotation of urban sustainable development requirements, is an important reflection of the value of cities. That cities achieve sustainable development must be resolved by the core and key issues is through the application of economic laws and policies and systems continue to strengthen the scientific and arrangements for the implementation of effective regulation and control optimization and fully tap, integration and cities play the potential of existing resources, strengthen Compared with other cities and the uniqueness of the resources and markets to attract all the elements of civilization, gather, possession, converting the advantage function, thereby continuously create and accumulate wealth in society, and we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of relations with nature and the continued Improvement. That the urban core competitiveness of the upgrade, the city is to achieve sustainable development and an important way to force the core conclusionsTo sum up, through the proposed upgrading the urban core cities to promote the competitiveness of the value of continuing to achieve and promote the comprehensive development of man and nature continues to improve relations between the city is to achieve the sustained and healthy development of effective path. Finally, the Longquanyi District in Chengdu to industrial optimization and upgrading and improving the function of the urban core competitiveness as an example, on how to improve the urban core competitiveness, and promote the sustainable development of cities and the main focus on the direction of policy proposals.
Keywords/Search Tags:City, Sustainable development city, Core competitiveness
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