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The Research Of E-Commerce Logistic System

Posted on:2008-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360242476216Subject:Logistics Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the outcome of information and network in 21st century, E-commerce is the procedure of commodity exchange by the way of modern information technologies. E-Biz is based on information network, which requires necessary construction of IT. These include information transportation network construction, R&D on IT transformation equipment, IT development, etc. E-commerce has replaced some paper approaches in traditional commodity exchange, e.g. storage, transportation, statistics, distributions, etc. There is no paper work throughout the procedure of commodity and service exchange, as well as the management of exchange, which meets the target of high efficiency, low cost, real time, networked and being direct. There are 4 essential streams all throughout E-commerce, namely information stream, commodity stream, copiloted stream and logistic stream. Cooperation of these 4 streams runs from the beginning of E-commerce exchange process to the end.Bottle neck of E-commerce is one of the hot topics today. Although safety and balance on network are regarded by most people as bottle necks of E-commerce, they are actually contributing little, as proved by modern science and technology, management, as well as practice. The only unavoidable bottle neck we are facing now should be logistics. For E-commerce, there is less application of new technologies, new equipments on logistics, which lacks in elementary facilities as well. Meanwhile most logistic company doing e-Biz have not realized the concept modern logistics, nor have them known the importance of logistics. Therefore they can not meet the fast developing E-commerce with obsolete facilities and poor management with limited e-process.Furthermore the lack of E-commerce requirement is caused by the backwardness of commercial environment, which has a low professional level. In China self-managed logistics counts most, which weakens the utilization of professional logistics. A lot of cargo logistic service companies squeeze to a limited area, they don't have a desire of traverse cooperation, they can not provide a complete supply chain and in turn they can not meet the timing and quality by customers. The result is: even E-commerce finishes on network; there is not an effective social logistics and delivery system available, which can provide transportation service of goods with low cost, good timing and proper volume. At the same time, what elementary buyers complain most about logistics and delivery for E-commerce are: high cost and low speed. In this thesis, a concept of traverse logistics union is proposed according to bottle neck problem among logistics and delivery system for E-commerce. Based on this, a virtual logistics and delivery center is established, which optimizes resource of Third party logistics companies and provides a perfect logistics & delivery service platform for E-commerce customers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Third Party, E-commerce, Logistic, Delivery
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