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The Research On The Development Of Urban Agglomeration In The Central And South Of Liaoning Province

Posted on:2008-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360215951912Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowdays, urban agglomeration rising has become one of the important trends of regional and urbanization development . In our country , the development of urban agglomeration is keeping on a alarming rate, the Yangtze River Delta , the Pearl River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin - Tangshan city group, they have been on the formation of a high level of urbanization ,economic development and prosperity of urban network in only 20 or 30 years , and this shows that our many regions have the conditions to develop agglomeration . The central and south of Liaoning's industries are complement each other , in close geographical proximity to each other, and implementation of group strategy. these are the infrastructure and natural conditions of developping agglomeration . With the implementation of the revitalization of old industrial bases in northeast China , has provided an excellent opportunity.On the central and south Liaoning urban agglomeration question, this paper based on the research results of many experts and scholars, links urban agglomeration development and regional economic development together, aims to promote regional economic development through urban development and stimulate national economic development. However, the question of development of urban agglomeration is a comprehensive issue, involved many aspects and elements. So we carried out a number of interdisciplinary research and adopt the method of combining theory and practice , history and logic. In specific strategies, we carried out compare, mathematical models and other methods. Based on the theory of regional economics and actual development of the central and south Liaoning urban agglomeration, we deeply studied various aspects of the development of the central and south Liaoning urban agglomeration. After summarizing the lessons of experience in the development of urban agglomerations, we try to find countermeasures and advice to promote the urbanization process of the central and south Liaoning . The full text is consisted of four parts:we anylize basic concepts and features of urban agglomerration in the first part ,introduce theoretical basis for the development of the urban agglomeration Back in the 20th century ,The british urbanologist Geddes made a similar concept of the urban agglomeration ,subsequently states economists have carried out a comprehensive study. Among them ,French geographer Gottmann's megalopolis concept have a greater impact .In this text ,the urban agglomeration we researched means that in a certain geographical area ,many cities of different scale congregate in a region ,relying on traffic and communication network, complementary portfolio in a large system environment , create interdependence and common development of city aggregation.The content of urban agglomerations :the rapid development of modern transport and communication technologies reduce the cost of inter-city transportation costs and time, have fundamentally changed the economic activities of the space operations ,enhance and strengthen the function of the spread of radiation in the city and region to further strengthen the interaction and socio-economic ties have grown closer ,regional space structure evolve from discrete and nuclear to point-axis and networks .after the centralization and diffusibility effects have realized between cites ,cities and regions, we will form an integrated socio-economic development. urban agglomeration is the large system that composed of space , natural factors and socio-economic factors ,have the following four characters :the dynamic characteristics of the development process ; spatial structure of the network; The dynamic characteristics of the development process; Spatial structure of the network; Open connectivity inside and outside the region; The city has attracted the region between the pool and spread radiation. cities in the region have the character of attrahent and centralized ,diffused and radiant .By research on development at home and abroad, the second part mainly summarized and absorbed their successful experience, teaches us how to develop urban agglomeration. We considered the research on Bowash , chioitts , San-San Francisco, Rhine - Ruhr, Randstad, East China Sea, Yangtze River Delta. PRD, the Beijing-Tianjin - Tangshan urban agglomeration and conclude that the region to develop urban agglomerations needs advanced geographical position and natural resources, developed transportation and communications networks, coordinated network of industry coordination, integration of urban and rural areas , prominent overall function. In the realistic choice of the development of the urban agglomeration in Liaoning, we must promote the development of urbanization by urban agglomerations, transforming government functions and to improve the level of managementThe third part give a definition of the central and southern Liaoning Urban Agglomeration, further analysis of the situation and find inadequate in view of the distribution after careful studies.Here we use the strength matrix model of the interaction between urban, analyze all the cities in Liaoning Province, and get the urban agglomerations composed of nine cities in the central and southern Liaoning. By the analysis of the Urban Agglomeration region of the cities in Liaoning Province, natural resources, economic infrastructure, transportation and other aspects, we make a thorough understanding of the distribution of urban agglomerations, also see a lack of them: Infrastructure construction is lagging behind, imperfect; further enhance the level of small towns; excessive accumulation of population and industrial in centers of the city; the contradiction between the SAR patterns and urban development became increasingly prominent.The fourth part given the author's policy and recommendations by consider the inadequate of the Urban Agglomeration of the central and southern Liaoning.The Urban Agglomeration of the central and southern Liaoning is in the initial stage of development and the situation is different form the good urban agglomerations of the rest of the world. Therefore, we can not move the original copy of their successful experience,we need to seek solutions to the problems existing in the Urban Agglomeration of the central and southern Liaoning. Here, we put forward the following proposals : First, establish a new network of cities and towns, building a new pattern of development. Second, optimize the industrial structure and enhance the economic strength of the central and southern Liaoning urban agglomerations. Thirdly, the establishment of inter-agency coordination and operation of the SAR, the interests of regional integration . Fourth, we should strengthen their capacity to promote the polar nuclei. Fifth, the promotion of urban and rural planning and development . Sixth, transform the regional government functions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agglomeration
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