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Test And Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Chinese Securities Market

Posted on:2008-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360215453221Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese securities market from the beginning of the 1990s experienced more than 10 years of development and scored remarkable achievements, is the world's fastest-growing market. In the development of the national economy, the market will not only play an important role as direct financing channels. As a barometer for the national economy and improve the effectiveness of macroeconomic policies have no alternative role. In the course of the development of Chinese securities market, how comprehensive and objective evaluation of Chinese securities market, give full play to their role in economic development, optimizing the allocation of resources to enhance their level of efficiency. Ensure Chinese economic reform and stable economic operation, it is the sector has been explored. Based on the test of the effectiveness of Chinese securities market Semistrong-form Efficiency, hope to provide some reference for the development of Chinese securities market.The issue of efficient market is one of the core subjects in Financial Economics. It is concerned with whether security prices at any time fully reflect all available information. The efficient level of a stock market is an important mark, which measures the mature degree of this market, a key factor that decides whether it can correctly allocate resources and perform its function thoroughly.Theoretical and empirical studies on the effectiveness of the securities market, in May 1970, University of Chicago economist Eugene Fama on the relationship between information and price first proposed the "Efficiency Market Hypothesis."Fama consider that in the effective market, and impart information disclosure is adequate, good news that will immediately lead to price increases, the bad news immediately lowering prices. This is because in the exchange of information and information, full competition in the market, a specific information known to investors in the stock market quickly, driven stock prices will be fully competitive market. The information reflected in a timely manner, thus enabling investors according to the information for transactions. If the information has been fully reflected in stock prices, then there will not be changes in the prices of securities inherent link nor abnormal returns that investors can earn a risk-adjusted market rate of return on the average. So long as the securities market prices fully reflect all the valuable and timely information at any time, securities prices will be the best assessment of the value of securities; the prices of securities represent the true value of the securities. This market is as effective marketing. Effective market in a fair, open and equitable principles can be fully reflected the more rational and effective allocation of resources.Efficient Market Hypothesis to a put on by the widespread concern, it has become One of the most classical and the most basic theories in Western economics. And Efficient Market Hypothesis occupies an important role not only in Western economics, but also the theory is an important cornerstone of the modern capital market theory, Many modern financial and investment theories, such as Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) has been built on the basis of the theory of market efficiency. EMH and the theory based on its financial economics made more enriched and perfected, make the increasing importance of this discipline. Fama 1970 in the light of all the available information the different content classified as "historical information" and "public information" and "internal information", this definition corresponds to the three sets of information: 1.Weak-form Efficiency; 2.Semistrong-form Efficiency; 3.Strong-form Efficiency. The emergence of the Efficiency Market Theory and financial is a major and far-reaching impact to economic fields. This paper has studied the effectiveness of the securities market, with empirical method, test on the current situation of Chinese stock market efficiency tests.First , this paper describes the issues raised, the structure and methodology of this study. First introduced in the proposal for the development of Chinese securities market and the existence of the problem; Finally, introduce this research method, the test of the Semistrong-form market research mainly Event Study, using winners and losers portfolio,disclosure of the fraud action in the financial statements of listed companies and no fraud in the calculation of new accounting standards promulgated the cumulative abnormal return around the same time, use of financial indicators and stock price consistency test the Semistrong-form of the China Securities, analyzing Chinese Semistrong-form Efficiency of the latest developments in the stock market.Second, the theoretical study of the overseas and domestic market for the effective conducts a systematic review and sum up. Currently, numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of Chinese securities market changes gradually over time. In 1997, the stock market reached a basically Weak-form Efficiency. This not only shows that Chinese securities market to gradually mature market ahead also shows the Chinese government in the regulation of the securities market also played a positive role.Chinese securities market is strong again semi-empirical analysis of the effectiveness test. In this paper, the Event study approach to the new accounting rule promulgated as a central event from the winners and losers portfolio fraud and non-corrupt portfolio, in accordance with new accounting rule issued in the 30 trading days. Using the market model calculates the cumulative abnormal return, and, using of financial index of listed companies and stock prices consistency three different perspectives tests on the effectiveness of Chinese securities market. The results showed that the net asset yield for a combination of winners and losers'portfolio, the market gave a timely response; this shows that the disclosure of the financial data and market information content is obvious effect. However, between the degree of response and efficient market is different, for good company performance, the Shanghai stock market showed excessive reaction and the Shenzhen stock market has demonstrated a lack of response; for the poor performance of the company, the Shanghai stock market has opposite reaction to Efficient Market Theory , the excess revenue is now, This is excessive reaction to the performance of the Shenzhen stock market the cumulative abnormal return decline, showing insufficient response characteristics. And earnings per share was disclosed by the listed companies for fraud, Shanghai stock market fraud portfolio demonstrated reverse that trend. And no excessive reaction to the combination of no-fraud; ShenZhen stock market has the opposite result. Note to the disclosure of listed companies for fraud, the investors more cautious. Financial indicators and stock consistency of the test results showed that although earnings per share reflect the profitability of listed companies have a higher correlation with the stock price, but as the correlation between stock prices and other indicators are not high, it also indicates that financial indicators and stock prices are inconsistent. The three areas discussed above shows that Chinese securities market is not consistent with the assumption of Strong-form Efficiency.Finally, the test results for Event Study and the test results of the incident and financial indicators and stock consistency combined with the current situation of Chinese securities market, Discussed measures to improve the effectiveness of the securities market.
Keywords/Search Tags:Effectiveness
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