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The Value Of Female Managers On The Construction Of Innovative Management Team

Posted on:2008-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Z DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360215452902Subject:Administrative Management
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Upon the arriving of the era of knowledge-driven economy, woman is challenging man's traditional position and has marked an important development of economic society. The change is especially conspicuous in the economic management field recently. That is the increasingly growing proportion of female managers.Few years ago, several transnational giant, such Hp, Avon, eBay, Kodak and so on, all started to employ female managers. In China, the proportion of female professional manager and advanced manager is increasing year by year. Human being has welcomed the second revolution of 21st century in Enterprise Management ---- Flexible Management. It, symbolized by Humanization, has achieved the transformation of knowledge from hidden to obvious. The notion of Flexible Management has brought new thought pattern for construction of enterprise teams. It is the theoretical foundation to construct innovative teams. Henry Mintzberg, in his Ten Meditations on Management, advocated, The organization needs to be cultivated, be taken care of and loved as well as needs continuous and stable solicitude. Caring and loving is a more feminized method of management.Up to now, the analysis of managers'gender has not been common neither in theoretical level nor practical level. In a time of constructing innovative nation and organization presently, the innovative team is a very important matter to enterprise's development, and paying attention to the difference between male and female managers to explore and make a complete use of the advantages of female managers over male. This will definitely play a positive role in constructing innovative teams. With the development of society and the progress of time, a great number of female talents has stepped into business circle and has been playing an increasingly important leading role in economic field. Many outstanding females are extremely intelligent, capable and graceful. With their unique leading charm and extraordinary work, they has formed a beautiful landscape. With the globalization and the development of knowledge-driven economy and the more and more strong appeal for social gender mainstream around the world, the space for female's future is constantly enlarging. Female enterprisers and female managers are increasingly active in economic platform in every country, and thus it is asserted that the representatives of success were all male in the industry-driven economy while female in knowledge-driven economy.Around the world, though the number of high-level female managers is not very large, they are frequently brought into the spotlight of public due to their extraordinary deeds and achievements. In economic field, the tendency of social gender mainstream is becoming more and more obvious, and more and more females take charge of management. Every year, American magazine, Fortune, publishes its 50 Most Powerful Women in Business of America. The Wall Street Journal also lists Top 50 Remarkable Women In World Business Circles. Fortune said in its article women may have not control the whole world yet, but at least have controlled a large part of it. In 2004, the proportion of female enterprisers in the global enterprisers has quickly increased to 20 percent from near 10 percent in the 80s last century. Chinese female business owner and corporation have exceeded twenty million.However, we can not be fully optimistic about the situation, because female managers are facing oppugning in many aspects, such as role orientation, leading power, executive power and so on, owing to males are commonly considered as the principal part of management world. Twenty years ago, females were generally denied in enterprise management. The Glass Ceiling theory was quite popular at that time in western countries. The theory advocated that the results led by gender and race were the same. A layer of glass ceiling blocked female and non-white's job choice and career promotion, making them visible but out of reach.Although more and more female managers emerged into people's vision, to break the glass ceiling is not a matter in a day. Only 1.4 percent CEO of the Fortune 500 Companies are female. Only 7.9% of the Fortune Top 500 incomes are female. In enterprise management field, it is without debate that female high managers are far less than male ones. Besides, the higher in the hierarchy of the organization, the fewer are the females.As to a corporation, the construction of high managerial team is with great importance. In a time of constructing innovative nation and organization presently, constructing an innovative managerial team is definitely the key to corporation's development.Flexible Management is the conscious choice of innovative managerial team. The most fundamental construction of innovative managerial team is changing the traditional managerial ideal, structure and method, and changing from Rigid Management to Flexible management is the key point. Because according to the ideal to construct an innovative team, in practical operation, managers will definitely encounter a series of problems, such as how to cultivate the spirit of self-encouraging, self-disciplining and the habit of participative working? How to make team members share information and knowledge? How to deal with the opportunism behavior inside the team? How to cope with the conflict between stability and innovative demands of the team? Etc. During the process of solving these problems, Flexible Management ought be more effective than Rigid Management.The construction of innovative corporation or innovative managerial team is a systematic project. Macroscopically, it involves culture, values and other factors in mental level; moreover, economic system, the macro social situation and other factors in system level are needed for security's sake. However, microscopically, it is very necessary for a innovative managerial team to arrange members in pairs or groups scientifically, and it is also necessary to employ high managers with different genders, ages and personalities. Paying attention to employ suitable female managerial talents or make full use of female management's advantages will facilitate the team's balance, innovation and growth as well as the development of the corporation.We focus on the value of female management to the construction of innovative managerial team. There is no need to avoid mentioning that female is not a strong force in the market-oriented economy yet due to various influence from traditional culture, values, behavioral regulations and so on. In enterprise management circle, very few females can become an excellent manager or play an important role in an excellent managerial team. It can be said that the problems and obstacles that female managers may encounter are still very obvious.Market-oriented economy has become a fact and tendency that cannot be reversed. Now that the economic globalization and knowledge-driven economy has become the mainstream and the equality between man and woman has become a common view, we are reasonable to believe the phenomenon that men are always more than women, men are always strong while women weak and men are always officers while women workers will become history. Of course, it will take a long time to achieve the harmony and equality of men and women and complementarily advance the economy. Moreover, for the coming of this day, nation, society, economic organization and women themselves have to make an even more persistent and harder effort.
Keywords/Search Tags:Construction
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