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Study On Technology Innovation And Performance Of Ecological Community

Posted on:2008-07-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A L HangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360212492424Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This Article applies theory of bionomics to the industrial cluster, and defines the industrial cluster with large, mediate and small-size enterprises co-existing and benefiting from each other based on specialization and cooperation as an "ecological community". Taking high-tech industrial zone, a typical ecological community, as the start point, this Article studies the mechanism, capability and effect of innovation derived from such ecological community and makes an analysis on the ecologic characters of the industrial cluster. Based on theory exploration, this Article also carried out a case study on the Hsin-Chu Science Park. By an over-all analysis on the environment which contributes to the formation of the Park, its ecologic characters and general performance, the Article tries to explore the comprehensive ecologic effect of a successful science park and intend to provide some useful experience for the development of high-tech industrial zone in mainland China.The study could be mainly divided into three parts. Part I is a general description of the theory (Chapter II), which gives an introduction on the innovation theory, the cluster innovation theory and the ecologic community theory, including the history of the theories and the connections among them. Most of the discussions in this Part are focus on the relationship between industrial cluster and the ecologic system, which are intended to act as the footstone of our discussions in Chapter III. Analysis on cluster technology innovation based on ecologic community is the core part of this Article, which are covered in Part II. The author started from the basic characters of an "ecologic community", discussed the contribution of co-existence, competition and the value movement within ecologic system in the innovation. The formation and innovation of an ecologic cluster need some pre-conditions, which may include the favorable natural environment and effective mechanism. As such, the environment conditions are also taken into analysis. The ultimate purpose for an enterprise to make innovations is creating higher performance, so it is necessary for a performance analysis be in place. However, the innovation capability is the pre-condition of performance creation. The advantage of an ecologic community is, by improving the innovation capability of a single enterprise, an industrial or even the whole industrial zone; improve the performance of innovation. Part III of this Article is a case study on Hsin-Chu Science Park, discussed the environment, the characters of a successful innovative ecologic system and the performance of the industrial zone, which could be a reference to the high-tech industrial zone in mainland China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecological Community, Innovation Capability, Innovation Performance, Hsin-Chu Science Park
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