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Evaluation Of Ecosocialism

Posted on:2008-12-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360212490470Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article elaborates the social and historical condition of ecosocialism, the theory forming process, the critique to capitalism and the construction of the future ideal society. The article finally provides some enlightenment to our socialism harmonious society's construction through the reasonable thought of the ecosocialism, based on the special details of our country.The first part of this article elaborates the possibility and the necessity of ecosocialism's production through analyzing social and historical condition of its production. The contemporary capitalism caused the contradiction between man and nature and the global ecology crisis, which is the root of the ecosocialism's production. With the starting of western green movement, more and more people are discontented with the extant capitalist system. They seek the fundamental solution to the ecology crisis directly caused by ecosocialism. The drastic change of Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and some other socialist countries at the end of the 80's and the beginning of the 90's, as well as the crisis appearing in the capitalist countries is an important reason which the ecosocialism produces.The second part elaborates the forming process of ecosocialism theory. The ecosocialism theory has experienced three developmental phases, named from "green" to "red", "red green blended" and " red independent ". It gradually moves towards maturely from germination. The second part first has carried on a longitudinal combing to the way of the ecosocialism's development, which provides us a clear understanding to the ecosocialism's development longitudinally. As one of the contemporary western important theory ideological trends, ecosocialism is not certain western scholar's absolutely groundless theory tentative plans, but has its theory origin. This part has been carrying on the analysis to its theory origin, which enables us to understand ecosocialism's development vein, and completes the upholstery for the elaboration of ecosocialism as follows.Ecosocialism takes Marxism and socialism as the rationale .It elaborates the dissimilation of relationship between man and nature and its reason. Then it promulgates the inevitably relation between the Capitalist mode of production and ecology crisis in Capitalist country , then it carries on the critique to the capitalist system, and makes every effort to find the realistic plan and the way to the realization of ecosocialism. It proposed a series of strategies on direction of economic and political development basically conforming to human civilization development, and tries hard to establish an ecosocialism society, which implements the democracy at the grassroots' level, manifests the society to be just, stable growth in economy realization, and harmonious getting- together of the being and the nature in the society. The third part has carried on the analysis at viewpoint of the ecology socialism theory.The article finally has carried on the analysis to the ecosocialism's positive sense and the limitation. The ecosocialism theoretically had been demonstrating the intrinsic relation between the social development and the ecology question. It takes the ecology effect as the core value, and proposes that the person and the natural relations should be harmonious. Moreover, the ecosocialism theory contains many significant thoughts on economy, politics, and culture, which are worth profiting from .This is important theoretically and in practice for socialism harmonious society's construction of our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecosocialism, Ecology Crisis, Green Party, Green Movement, Harmonious Society
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