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Study On Development Stratagem Of Agricultural Industrialization In Yan'an

Posted on:2007-12-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360212473019Subject:Forest science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Agricultural industrialization is the road one must follow for the modernization of agriculture, under the present circumstance in order to construct the new socialist villages and to solve the village, agriculture and farmers related problems one has first of all to promote the construction of agricultural industrialization, to promote development of agricultural economy. After efforts fro more than 50 years since the founding of new China, the agriculture of Yan'an experienced 5 periods inducing the period to take the grain as the priority, the period of diversified management, the period of great development for the major product, the initial period of featured economy and the period of construction for industrialization, industrial the forest fruits, grass-fed, husbandry and sheltered vegetables have been formed. The local natural condition and resources, the productive and the living mode of local inhabitants, the policy and the market changes, and the guidance by local government lead commonly to the results of the formation of the three industrial patterns as mentioned above.Despite of the achievement mentioned above. Yan'an agricultural industrialization still faces many difficult problems, the weakness of agricultural basin, the low level of comprehensive productivity, the basic factitious of water, electricity, road building and communication are uncompleted, the systems for disaster protection and social services and market management are uncompleted, the quality of village laborers is low and the scientific and technical contents of the agricultural in industry are not high, the agricultural bases are small sized, the leading enter prices and the inter media develop sluggishly. The extent of industrialization is rather low, the input from tanks of government is not enough, the relevant reform and changes of government's activities are sluggish, the entire environment for agricultural development is relatively not ideal, the future scheme to develop agriculture needs to be further modified. The present three production antlers should be rearranged to as forest fruits, grass-fed husbandry, sheltered vegetables and food grains other then wheat and rise– from production pattern.Under the present circumstance that Chinese agriculture has already entered a new step of development. The various governments at Yan'an have to be fully conscious to the fact that the construction of agricultural industrialization is vital to promote the rural development and to construct a well-off society, thus to endeavor to develop forest fruits, grass fed husbandry, sheltered vegetables and food grains other than wheat and rice, and to exist oneself to build"eight productive bases","eight food processing centers"and"four wholesale markets for featured specials gores". Where the eight production bases are located at Luochuan, Fuxian and Huangling County at centers, and radiated to the surrounded rural parts of apple bases.Functioned as a center for production of walnut, Chinese prickly ash etc. the Counties of Huanglong, Yichuan, Yanchang and extended to the sounded area. The Counties of Zhidan, Wugi and Anzhai functioned as centres for production of prunus davidana, Apricot kernel dried fruit etc., and extended to the surrounded area. The red jujube production base is centred at Yanchuan county and extended to the surrounding are the grass-fed husbandry portly production base is centered at Wuqi, Anzhai, Zhidan, Baota Yanchang Yanchuan and Ganquang Counties in the north side are the center of production base for vegetables and melons and also the production base for food grain other than wheat and rice, the dried sweet potato production base is located at Zhichang County, extended to the northern counties. The"eight food- processing centers"are respectively the Luochuan apple's and related food- processing centre, the Baota food-processing centre for grains other than wheat and rice, the Ganquan food processing center for beans products, the"four wholesale markets"are respectively the Luochang apple who sale market, the Huanglong dried fruits wholesale market, Wuqi the mutton and beef wholesale market, the Baota agricultural products wholesale market.In order to fulfill the above-mentioned goals, one has to pay close attention to the following tasks. First is to increase the input to agriculture, to make the foundation of agricultural industrialization sound and well, it includes the increase of input for various scope, the improve the facilities and equipment in water supply, electricity supply, road construction and communication to raise up the service for agricultural production and in guarantees level. Second is to enhance the key weak points, to raise up the entirety level of agricultural industrialization, third is to implement the strategy"to inspire agriculture by science and technology", to improve the quality and the scientific-techniques content: including to deepen the agricultural scientific research and spread the system of reform, to emphasize the introduction of now techniques, now productions its popularization, to increase the tainting works for farmers, to popularize the green non-pollution products, fourth is to strengthen the organizational supervisor to provide a well condition and environment, including enhance the material supplement, the technical service, to establish a fair rational benefit combination mechanism, to strengthen the fundamental management, to change the methodology of leadership to improve the working manger. At the same time, one must pay attention to and manage well the engineering projects related to ecology such as to retreat farmland to afforested land, and also to the global industrialization, urbanization unification. Their relationship to the social affairs with the construction to spiritual civilization, their relationship to the reform, comes into blooming stabilization. Namely only by this way, the construction of agricultural industrialization then can move forward smoothly to realize economic society between towns and country, between human being and Nature harmonious development, and the grandiose target of the"well-off"society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yan'an, Agricultural industrialization, Stratagem
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