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Research On Inventory Improvement Of ERP System

Posted on:2011-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W N HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330338981400Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As semiconductor manufacturing is the high investment, high-yield, high risk and one of the most competitive industries, so to improve the efficiency of Freescale's supply chain management is particularly important. In the supply chain, whether manufacturers or suppliers, retailers must pursue the fastest flow of funds, which are level with inventory management having great relationships. Therefore, it is a key factor for production and marketing of the entire inventory as a key factor. At the same time, ERP systems focus on information technology and advanced management ideas in one, a modern enterprise running mode, reflecting the age of the enterprises to rationally allocate resources to maximize social wealth creation request, a company survive in the information age, the cornerstone of development. Therefore, ERP systems as the most advanced supply chain management and methods, give Freescale has brought enormous benefits.In this paper, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ERP system, inventory management improvement projects for the research background, from inventory theory and ERP enterprise resource planning point of view of the Freescale Semiconductor business management of the inventory control and improvement. Papers on the Freescale Inventory Management ERP system on the methods of the depth and extensive research, combined with the characteristics of the semiconductor industry, the practical problems for companies, put forward the contents of this research project. Freescale's stock from the characteristics of paper, combined with corporate status of inventory and inventory management, analysis of the resulting business inventories are too high, timely delivery is poor, and shortages of various causes inaccurate prediction that the response to the existing ERP inventory forecasting, ERP and inventory ordering systems to improve inventory management strategy.Based on the problems of ERP systems to optimize inventory, inventory reduction has been achieved to solve the purpose. Meanwhile, the calculation of safety stock model ERP, ERP system that the safety stock calculation and characteristics of semiconductor demand, are inconsistent, this address safety stock and safety stock a large gap between the actual problem. Therefore the introduction of instability in demand inventory model with Freescale scientific computing products, compare a more reasonable safety stock. Finally, the analysis of the Freescale stock policy, the implementation of lean inventory management, problem solving semi-finished goods inventory excess inventory, reduce the semi-finished inventory.Without reducing the premise of customer satisfaction, and improving supply chain ERP management efficiency, reduce inventory costs and improve the competitiveness of enterprises, hope this film paper can chip the semiconductor industry to help control inventory levels.
Keywords/Search Tags:ERP, Inventory Management, Inventory Control, Supply Chain
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