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Poverty Relief Funds Run Some Existing Problems And Countermeasures Study

Posted on:2012-08-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330335956323Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
To further the solution to the problem of rural poverty, Gradually narrowing region to region, farmers and the development gap between farmers, and reach the goal of common prosperity, the State Council has been attaching importance to help-the-poor work by concentrating manual power, physical resources and financial resources, and mobilizing all strength from all circles since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of 1978. Poverty alleviation work has experienced system reform push poverty alleviation, large-scale development-oriented poverty reduction, poverty alleviation crucial three stages. Poverty reduction policy also subsequently by "eliminating poverty alleviation", "regional development-oriented helped" and "the development-oriented poverty reduction" transformation, From 1978 to 2010, after 30 years of unremitting efforts, make the countryside couldn't solve the problem of dress by 2.5 million poor people down to 2688 million,The percentage of the population of the rural down to 3% by 30.7%, which indicate that problem of adequate food and clothing focused on the poverty-stricken people was basically solved.Wanzhou District is a anti-poverty development zone at national grade characterized with the mountainous area, the reservoir region and the second largest city. The poverty reduction through development projects has been promoted greatly by vigorously implementing the strategy—planning as a whole, implementing in batches, supporting in concentration and overcoming poverty in entirety, which shows that poverty condition got greatly relieved; life situation was greatly improved; social undertaking of rural area was greatly promoted. Poverty-stricken population of the whole district cut down to 140 thousand of 2010 from 210 thousand of 2000, Dropped 28.6%, and Poverty Incidence did to 7.0 percent from 12 percent. People's spiritual outlook and idea changed actively--commodity consciousness, market consciousness and technology consciousness are increasingly strengthened. But the task of poverty-reduction through development projects is still very difficult due to the elements including impoverished extent area, deep poverty level, bad natural condition, heavy ecological protection task and restraint from regional poverty and ability sex poverty.The author of this essay has learned the anti-poverty policies and the expenditure of funds and gained lots of first-hand documents through the survey to some concerning departments and some poor farming households. Through the author's analysis, there exit some problems including lack of funds, secret use of funds, long management and lack of effective use, which is mainly caused by weak coordination and planning ability, unclear direction of the investment and weak operating mechanism. As far as aid-the-poor funds are concerned, therefore, it is a deep administrative level currently and a period of time in future to strive to improve the utilization efficiency of poverty relief funds.Therefore, the following counter-strategies are put forward on the basis of careful researches and studies.Moderate adjust the anti-poverty policy in terms of funds distribution. By adjusting the anti-poverty policy in a moderate manner and centralizing the former decentralized anti-poverty funds, the aid focus switches from thousands of famers in the past to the present new farmers. By exploring original thoughts and mind, the fund-allocating policy is adjusted and the needed basic construction funds from those major counties in the national aid development are cut down or even deducted. Thus the planned construction projects are to be completed as scheduled and the anti-poverty funds are made best use of. By clarifying the duties and cooperative function of the anti-poverty offices, the anti-poverty management system is to be perfected and great efforts are to be put into the collaborative strength of the anti-poverty funds and projects.Improve the management of the anti-poverty funds. By deciding the focus and direction of the anti-poverty funds, such infrastructure projects as water and power supplies and road construction should be given top priority by using the centralized funds so that the necessary basic public supplies for the local people can be maintained and human resources in the poverty stricken areas can be developed. By lowering the threshold for small loans and lowering the corresponding interest, Improving the rural financial services, Increase the remote mountainous area and the remote mountain canyon area poverty relief funds immigration dynamics, improve poor peasant households living environment, Change farmer's way of life; By enhancing the management of the anti-poverty projects and furthering the feasibility study, the examination and approval of the projects will become more strict and transparent.Improve the management of the anti-poverty funds. Emphasis should be paid on the management of the funds so that the whole traveling process of the funds is open to the public and under the sun. Corresponding punishment and stimulation systems should also be implemented. Explore a system to guarantee the supervising responsibility for the funds, popularize the signature and feed-back system to receive the funds and set up the voluntary supervising teams for the anti-poverty funds at the village level. Through the above mentioned methods, the anti-poverty funds can be made best use of and defalcation will be prevented.Set up a joint policy and development strategy for both the rural and the urban areas. Concerning the structures in which the anti-poverty resources are to be allocated, the orientation should be guided towards the joint anti-poverty policy.Establish a diversified poverty input mechanism, ensure the poverty alleviation work smoothly. Non-governmental organizations can make better use of the local resources and widen the road to raise funds, improving the efficiency of the anti-poverty public supplies and funds from the government. By using the financial anti-poverty funds as a guide, the urban industrial and commercial capital will be encouraged to establish economic entities in the poverty-stricken villages. By encouraging the centralization, management and ownership of the land, the problem of lack of funds is to be settled. The old generation staying at home can be employed locally and a sustainable growth of the agricultural development in the poverty-stricken areas shall be maintained.
Keywords/Search Tags:anti-poverty funds, Operation problem, counter-strategy
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