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Industrial Enterprises In Liaoning Province On The Analysis Of Performance Evaluation

Posted on:2011-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z C WeiFull Text:PDF
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Industry is a pillar industry in China, industrialization and economic development of China's strategic goals. The moment, China's industrial enterprises are facing Potential development crisis and to improve the competitiveness of our industry is imminent. The performance evaluation of industrial enterprises for enhancing industrial competitiveness, promote into economic development will undoubtedly have a special theoretical and practical significance. To our current situation, it is the focus of economic development, and sustainable continued development is the objective requirements of economic development. We need to ensure sustained and rapid economic development, attention to saving resources and protecting the ring Environment. Liaoning is, with China's accession to WTO and the strategy of revitalizing northeast old industrial base in the implementation of the old industrial base is facing unprecedented Unprecedented opportunities for development, is also facing severe challenges. How to adjust and optimize industrial structure, raise its old industrial base of Liaoning's industrial enterprises Industry performance, is a very important and urgent strategic task.This study from home and abroad related to performance evaluation theory, the development of industrial enterprises in Liaoning Province, the actual situation of the province was constructed for Situation in the province's industrial enterprise performance evaluation system, which for Government departments to correctly grasp the current macro-economic operation rules to make the right by Economic development strategy will also be of great theoretical and practical value.In this paper, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis methods, mainly around the city in Liaoning province in 2004 and 2007, two years of industrial development analysis of the situation, to find the performance of industrial enterprises in Liaoning Province, the factors proposed to increase the performance of industrial enterprises in Liaoning Province recommendations. Data Master to two years from the Statistical Yearbook, the paper adopted a factor analysis and cluster analysis. Performance Evaluation of the indicators of industrial enterprises structure Construction, we refer the reference papers at home and abroad, follow the National Bureau of Statistics of China in 1998 to develop the economic benefit assessment indicators System to determine the industrial added rate, the contribution rate of total assets, industry cost margins, overall labor productivity, asset-liability ratio, flow Fixed asset turnover number, product sales rate of seven indicators.This article first through factor analysis supported by four common factors, namely, output efficiency factor, operating capacity factor, capacity factor of the development, marketing Sale of capacity factor. Find the common factor, this paper is estimated using methods such as regression factor scores obtained mathematical model, the common factor that into a linear form of variables, and further calculate the scores, all over the city of Liaoning Province, a comprehensive assessment. This article also gives the Liaoning Province Composite score around the city and rankings. In the factor analysis, the paper on the use of cluster analysis to cluster around the city, Liaoning Province, found that the results of cluster analysis and factor analysis of the results are basically consistent, is divided into four categories, classification and factor analysis of the order of a composite ranking of is consistent.By factor analysis and cluster analysis, we find that output efficiency factor for the variance of the performance of industrial enterprises in the larger contribution of other factors by Times reduced. Based on the analysis of the corresponding policy recommendations, focusing on production efficiency, strengthen operational capabilities and continue to strengthen sales Capacity.The innovation of this article:(1) Based on the information developed by the State Statistical Bureau of economic benefit evaluation index system, And carried out some improvements, re-established industrial enterprise performance evaluation system. (2) This selection in 2004 and fourth in 2007 in Liaoning Province Regional comparative study of statistics to make analysis more focused. (3) the theory of combining research and policy studies, both theoretical innovation New, there are specific issues in Liaoning province empirical analysis of existing research results have important theoretical value of practical value, the Liaoning's economic construction and social development of strong theoretical and policy support.
Keywords/Search Tags:industrial enterprise performance evaluation, factor analysis, cluster analysis
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