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Research On Customer Relationship Management Of Port Enterprises

Posted on:2011-11-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330332968595Subject:Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The prosperity of global marine industry and a sharp increase in ports throughput are promoted by the recovery of global economy and a consistent and rapid development of China's economy. Following this trend, the ports in China are stepping into a new round of construction currently, it wil 1 bring a baptism to No 4 company of Tianjin port, old in history but young in development.As an international port business, the company is facing the same difficult situation. To improve competitiveness, we must fundamentally change their management and improve staff quality, optimizing the allocation of resources, lower production costs, and enhance customer loyalty, to the maximum extent possible to reduce the rate of loss of customers. In this sense, in the emerging market of China's port service buyer who is the first to be able to generate profits and retain quality clients, who production costs to an absolute minimum, who can distinguish themselves in the face of fierce competition.The purpose of this study is, through the analysis of customer relationship management theory and the status quo, No 4 company of Tianjin port to build customer recognition model from the design, implementation and evaluation of three areas, thus summed up with a scientific and workable building strategy and to try to make recommendations for improvement and implementation of the CRM system, and I hope to continue to improve the system of benefit. Construction-related businesses in China and will help departments in CRM help make a correct analysis of the business decisions. Quality profits can bring quality clients and maintain long-term win-win relationship, actively marketing their core business and capture the market. Continuously add new customers for the profoundly customers, improve profitability, expanding their market share in Chinese port service marketes, and enhance our overall competitiveness, enhance the public image.
Keywords/Search Tags:No 4 company of Tianjin port, CRM, Design
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