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Studied On The Development Of Huizhou Tea Industry In Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2011-10-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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Previous studies on Huizhou tea industry especially Huizhou tea merchants mainly combined Ming and Qing dynasties, and most of them focused on the latter, paid less attention on the former and even ignored it. This dissertation aimed to break through the previous study methods, specialized in the development of Huizhou tea industry in Ming Dynasty by different historical periods, analyzed the background of its rapid development, and discussed the technology, business, culture and many other aspects of Huizhou tea in Ming Dynasty, so as to disclose its influence on Huizhou merchants running tea business in Qing Dynasty, as well as its inspirations to the development of modern Huizhou tea industry.The first part of the dissertation introduced the overall development of Huizhou tea industry in Ming Dynasty, clarified its research objective, methods, ideas and significance.The Second part analyzed the historical background and development advantages of Huizhou tea industry in Ming Dynasty. Firstly, the development conditions of Huizhou tea industry in Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties were analyzed, the facts that Huizhou area has always been a tea production region in the history and government policies once led to the stagnation of Huizhou tea industry in Song and Yuan dynasties were disclosed. Then, government policies in early Ming Dynasty which brought hope to Huizhou tea industry were analyzed, the prosperity of Huizhou tea in middle and latter Ming Dynasty was briefly introduced. Finally, through analyzing the imposition of tea duty in Ming Dynasty, tea cultivation and trade in Huizhou area during that period were reflected.The third part studied the object of Huizhou tea industry——Huizhou tea, with Songluo Tea as an example. Songluo Tea, the representative of famous Huizhou tea in Ming Dynasty, once enjoyed a high reputation for its excellent production process, including growing environment and planting patterns of tea trees, picking standards, production and storage methods of tea leaves, and so on. Through analyzing the reasons that Songluo Tea obtained its fame, tea production technologies in the whole Huizhou area were reflected. As the originator of pan-fired green tea in China, Songluo Tea played a significant role in the development of China's tea industry with its far-reaching influence.The fourth part explored the management of Huizhou tea industry, mainly including Huizhou tea merchants'business models and reasons of their success. Factors led Huizhou merchants to the road of success in middle Ming Dynasty were analyzed, inborn advantages and historical reasons included, reasons that Huizhou merchants chose tea industry as their business were also elaborated. Then the model that Huizhou tea merchants run their business in Ming Dynasty was the focus of study, which specifically was"integrated chain of procurement, processing, transportation and sale", each of these sections was independent and also closely linked. Meanwhile, the particularity of tea industry that distinguished it from others was pointed out, that is, seasonality and sideline characteristics. Huizhou tea merchants, being influenced by the historical and cultural treasures in Huizhou area, were given with both businessmen and scholars'spirits, diligent and honest. Numerous tea houses, stores and farms were developed by Huizhou tea merchants in all corners of the country, which made tea business into the pillar industry of Huizhou merchants in Ming Dynasty, also laid a solid foundation for the development of Huizhou tea merchants in Qing Dynasty, and provided them precious experience.The fifth part studied Huizhou tea culture in Ming Dynasty. China's tea structure experienced a dramatic change in Ming Dynasty, and the rise of loose tea influenced ways of drinking tea. Tea production technologies also were greatly promoted during this period, Huizhou merchants sold their tea all over the country, which not only enriched the connotation of Huizhou tea culture, but also brought Huizhou tea culture to any place Huizhou merchants went. The development of Huizhou tea culture in Ming Dynasty piled up a profound background for that in Qing Dynasty and modern times.The sixth part disclosed the inspirations of Huizhou tea industry development in Ming Dynasty. Inadequacies of modern Huizhou tea industry were summarized, and then successful experience of Huizhou tea industry rising and prospering in Ming Dynasty was advocated to promote the sound and fast development of modern Huizhou tea industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming Dynasty, Huizhou, Tea Industry, Development
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