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Problems In Overloading Transportation Governance And Relevant Countermeasures

Posted on:2012-10-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330332497740Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper centers on the overloading problem in the transportation system in Jilin Province. To be specific, it presents objectively the characteristics and severe hazards of the overloading transport problem by means of reviewing the governance of the overloading transport and analyzing the related basic theories. Moreover, the paper probes into problems existent in overloading transport and their relevant causes, pointed to which, some countermeasures and suggestions are presented.The thesis consists of four parts: the analysis of basic theories on overloading transport governance, the history review of overloading transport governance, the existing problems in the governance and their respective causes and some main countermeasures that may be adopted in overloading transport governance.First, the analysis of basic theories in overloading transport governance incorporates four aspects as follows: the explanation of such concepts as overloading, overrun, overrun transport and overloading transport, the clarification of the basis and standards for identification of overloaded vehicles, the description of the characteristics of overloading transport from the following seven points, namely, large-tonnage trucks, virtually large weight yet with less ton registration, private changing, excessive overloading of goods, transporting at night while resting on the daytime, violence against transport laws and forced breaking through, and speeding on ordinary roads, etc. and the analysis of main hazards brought by overloading transport, which embody damaging road infrastructure, causing traffic accidents and ruining road transport market order.Next, the history review of overloading transport governance includes the following four aspects: the governance process divided into three phases, namely, the phase of governance exploration between 2000 and 2004, the phase of centralized governance between 2004 and 2007 and the phase of long-term governance from 2008 to 2010, the legal basis for overloading transport, in other words, the seven important documents on the national governance of overloading transport such as Road Law in People's Republic of China, Road Transportation Regulations in People's Republic of China, Overloaded Vehicles Traveling Regulations, etc. , the general requirements of overloading transport, that is, the guiding ideology, governance objectives and governance principles, and the main achievements in governing overloading transport, in other words, joint pavement enforcement mechanism has been consolidated, the scope of source supervision expanded, the legislative process apparently quickened, rules over responsibilities for overloading governance implemented and the levels of relevant information and technology evidently improved.Then, problems in governing overloading transport and their respective causes are handled in the subsequent two sides. One is the explanation of the four main problems, namely, the uneven governance progress, the weak source governance, the insufficient governing efforts and the lack of standards on law enforcement. The other side is around the six main causes for the preceding problems, which are boiled down to be insufficient attention paid by local governments and departments, unregulated government market, weak law enforcement by road traffic police, arbitrary charges, excessive fines, overlapping functions, vague systems, and inadequate laws and regulations that are relevant to overloading transport governance. Finally, the thesis suggests four chief countermeasures to overloading transportation governance. Firstly, the leading position of the government should be adhered to and linkage patterns must be formed. To be exact, people's understanding of this should be enhanced, leadership systems and working mechanism improved, employment security measures strengthened and accountability system improved. Secondly, laws on overloading transport governance should be reckoned on and governance level should be improved. These can be realized through establishing and bettering related laws and regulations, implementing the means of weight charges and standardizing the act of law enforcement. Thirdly, source governance should be upheld so as to achieve the effect of governing both the root and the causes. Its focus is three forceful thrusts, that is, managing goods loading by strengthening the source of bulk cargo management, controlling vehicle manufacturing and marketing via enforcing vehicle making and modifying supervision force, and managing membership settlement by strengthening audit efforts on illegal vehicles. The last but not least, firm and long-term governance must be accomplished by means of enforcing permanently the standardization of overloading transport governance, the law enforcement on road transport, public education and consolidation of governance achievements.
Keywords/Search Tags:Countermeasures
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