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Intercultural Team Human Resource Management

Posted on:2011-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:DODO ALPHA MAIMOUNA M NFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330332474025Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today's world of global business increasingly values the ability to do business interculturally. As companies strive to serve international and even global markets, they require managers located in different countries and operating across national boundaries. To be effective, these managers must function effectively, not only in their own culture, but in other cultures as well. For a variety of reasons company send people abroad, for example, control, a lack of local know, culture transfer, personnel development, the transfer of tacit knowledge, temporary projects. Even if you stay "domestic", you will almost surely still have to deal with people from other cultures. You will almost surely go another culture for short projects, or work with people from other cultures when they are working in your home country. Thus, it is important to develop not just an international perspective, or "global mind set", but intercultural understanding and skills as well. It is important to know how to deal effectively with people from other cultures. To do so requires sensitivity to cultural differences and the ability to adapt to them while enhancing, rather giving up, your core identity, which includes your internalized version of your home culture.First, the study describes the Background of Intercultural Human Resource Management, gives a brief Introduction of the Subject and the Practical Meaning of the Research, the Differences between the Regular (Domestic) Human Resource Management and Intercultural Human Resource Management, Advantages of Intercultural Team and analyses the many problems and impacts of the current situation of Intercultural Team Human Resource Management. Then states the Idea and Methods of this study, the Difficulties in Research and Innovation. Second, we have Theories Related to Culture and these are about Theories of HR Management, Theories of Culture and Interculturality. Then try to found out solutions that will help to manage an Intercultural Team positively.Finally, after a case study regarding the practice of Intercultural HRM, particularly the problem that encounter foreign managers when doing business in China, we conclude by proposing some suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Management, HRM, Intercultural, Team
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