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Land Expropriation Rights Protection Of Farmers

Posted on:2011-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Q ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330332459475Subject:Agricultural extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the accelerated process of urbanization and augmentation of demand for urban land use,all over the country almost all the towns around collected a lot of farmers 'lands. The main purpose of this study is described situation and problems of landless peasants, combining with land acquisition in Jinan City, the actual situation of farmers rights protection, analysis of urbanization in the interests of landless peasants and damage to the contents of the underlying causes, from the relevant land system Construction and Legal System, the article suggests the effective protection of the interests of landless peasants countermeasures and ideas for better protection of the interests of landless peasants, and promote the harmonious integration of urban and rural development .A lot of information and research in based on the results of existing research results are classified and summarized .According to the research results, the purpose and significance of this study is clear. After collected from the land their own quality of landless peasants and the government both factors before and after the farmers on the land acquisition and resettlement and compensation measures such as a detailed analysis, and summarizes the differentiation of landless peasants. The use of empirical research to analyze the causes of disputes caused by land acquisition, and on this basis of the different regions of the model to resolve the land dispute, sum up experience and propose solutions to Jinan suburb Suggestions peasants. In the process of building a socialist country ruled by law, they must be established as soon as possible consistent with our national conditions and with the market economy legal system for land expropriation compensation. Of course, many problems are solved in this paper.Specifically, this paper consists of six major parts, the first is an introduction, mainly to illustrate the research background, purpose and significance, status, research methods, the main research content and innovation and the existing shortcomings; The second part landless peasants rights and interests in land requisition compensation theory, the part in defining the concept of land expropriation on the basis of a brief description of the theory of land acquisition compensation system based on a sound analysis of the need for land expropriation in China; The third part of land expropriation Farmers Protection empirical analysis, this section a brief description of Jinan City in the land acquisition and basic conditions of peasants based on the outskirts of Jinan City area focus for the study is to survey data as the main basis After the landless peasants from the land revenue collected and job changes, landless farmers to get compensation and resettlement situation, the wishes of the situation in several aspects of the rights of landless peasants security situation, further analysis on this basis the extent of land expropriation of the peasants in different lives, was found after the peasants land there is a clear sub-alienation characteristic. The fourth part of the land expropriation compensation and resettlement of landless peasants analysis of existing problems that the Government in the implementation of land requisition compensation system the main problems is not accurate positioning functions, the compensation standard design reasonable, low compensation, compensation management are not standardized, resettlement approaches relatively narrow, the compensation funds can not guarantee time and in full; land acquisition after the main problems landless peasants is their own careers more conservative ideas on the use of land compensation shall not be reasonable to plan, arbitrary, reduces the efficacy of land compensation fund play; the fifth part of the Land Acquisition Strategy to protect the interests of landless peasants, mainly from the specific purpose of land acquisition for public welfare, improving standards and procedures for land acquisition, land compensation established scientific standards, establishment of diverse aspects of compensation and resettlement of the land ways to improve the collection system. Through the scientific definition of government functions, establish and improve grassroots democracy in rural areas, the interests of landless peasants constructed expression mechanism, improve the rural social security system, and proceed to improve the rights of landless peasants safeguard mechanism. Part VI is the conclusion.The innovation paper:(1)Based on questionnaire data, collected in Jinan after the suburban area of land from peasants and career changes in income, landless farmers to get compensation and resettlement situation, the wishes of farmers, land charge on the different levels of life of peasants carried out in-depth analysis found that after the peasants land there is a clear feature sub-alienation.(2)Analysis and appraisal of the government in implementation of land requisition compensation system, the main problems is not accurate positioning functions, the compensation standard design reasonable, low compensation, compensation management are not standardized, relatively narrow channels resettlement, compensation fund can not guarantee time and in full; After the land acquisition Farmers are the major problem is choosing its own conservative ideas on the use of land compensation shall not be reasonable to plan, arbitrary, reduces the efficacy of land compensation shall play.(3)Land expropriation for public welfare from the clear purpose of improving standards and procedures for land acquisition, land compensation established scientific standards, establishment of diverse aspects of compensation and resettlement of the land expropriation system perfect way. Stressed the need to define the government through scientific functions, establish and improve grassroots democracy in rural areas, the interests of landless peasants constructed expression mechanism, improve the social security system, and farmers start improving Farmers rights protection mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Land acquisition, Peasants, Protection
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