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The Dress Shirt Customization’s System Research Based On The Dress Code

Posted on:2016-05-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H XueFull Text:PDF
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The paper regards THE DRESS CODE as the theoretical basis, systematicallyresearching and finishing the man’s shirt custom culture connotation and process. Through thedomestic on-the-spot investigation and foreign online survey the author gets to know shirt’scustom status quo, combing and summarizing the relevant literature in different countries, andsummed up the basic theories and methods of shirt customization system.THE DRESS CODE is the basic rule of international society and luxury culture. It containsrules of clothing and clothing of practice. In THE DRESS CODE system, is divided into fourtypes: formal dress, informal dress,outdoor clothing and coats. Shirt is indispensable to theformal dress and informal dress as well, which is the main type of outdoor clothing. Inner wearshirt goes with formal dress and informal dress, which are divided into dress shirt and businessshirt. The dress shirt includes Tailcoat dress shirt, Tuxedo dress shirt, Morning coat dress shirt,Director’s suit dress shirt; Business shirt includes formal shirt, business casual shirt. Outdoorclothing includes casual shirt and sport shirt. They all have special expression language andstandardize the shape. For shirt shows tasty characteristics and rules can be seen when wearing it,which contains more than just a piece of clothing. It is restrained to demonstrate the family of anassortment of shirts, the “family rules” to determine the basic rules of custom shirt industry andpath. The system always shows men’s shirt characters, intentionally or unintentionally and leadsto social ethics and correction. The paper aimed at each sort of custom shirt’s gentleman culture,shape characteristics, choice of colors, fabrics, accessories and social regulation has carried onthe detailed reading, translation, analysis and sorting, and then established a gentleman shirtcustomization system based on THE DRESS CODE. Designed to provide a reliable theoreticalbasis and successful cases shirt in China custom industry and enhance the international brand of related research.
Keywords/Search Tags:THE DRESS CODE, Shirt type, Gentleman cult, Social rules
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