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Study On Pan Cheng Ling Coal Mine Gas Extraction Method

Posted on:2016-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2181330452971357Subject:Mining engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pan Cheng Ling coal company is located in Shanxi Province, Zuoquan CountyChengguan Town, the approval of mining coal for No.4and15, the yield is0.90Mt/aapproved.Through the sub-source prediction of gas emission during production forecasts,forecast the mining of No.15coal seam, the maximum absolute gas mining layer was22.06m3/min, the adjacent layer is23.27m3/min;.Coal mine gas drainage method and theformation of gas drainage technology based on the new process of mine gas, it caneffectively reduce the mine gas to ensure safety in coal mines.According to the research of the mine geology and gas emission, design a set ofscientific research and efficient gas drainage systems.By gas drainage,, reduce the gascontent in coal seam and the gas emission reduction, both to meet the needs ofintrinsically safe and efficient mine construction, but also meets the high quality resourcesexploitation and the protection of the atmospheric environment needs and to meet theincreasingly severe coal market situation for business survival needs.The main contents ofthis paper is to study the mine gas emission forecasts, gas drainage selection method, theeffect of extraction and evaluation, and expected the entire drainage system.Thedetermination results of No.15coal seam gas content, combined with the natural gasdrilling emission characteristics and coal seam gas drainage difficulty of working face,mining layer by the drill layer parallel working surface drainage, the tunneling workingsurface gas drainage before mining, take joint excavation and gas drainage; near the layerthrough the high drainage roadway drainage; old goaf closed drainage, the mined out areaof buried pipe drainage.After the concrete drainage design improvement program.according to the drainagesystem and combined with the theory of actual gas drainage quantity is expected,and thendrained expected amount of gas drainage design program effectiveness evaluation.Themain evaluation indicators before mining coal face can absorb the amount of solution gas,gas pumping rate (mine gas drainage rate and working face mine gas pumping rate), the amount of the pre-drilling tons of coal seam gas extraction, mining and tunneling faceamount of ventilation air methane.Combined with drainage scheme of calculating drainagepump flow and pressure, and select the appropriate extraction equipment.Design of mininggas drainage pipeline system optimal for the coal mine.Gas drainage is another importantelement is the gas utilization.Through the comparative analysis of the existing mine gasutilization ways of electricity, gas power generation by using the appropriate way,designed to meet the specific scheme of coal mine gas power generation.Then the pan citymine gas drainage design and optimization of production system, gas extraction method, tosolve the practical problem of gas drainage.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gas emissionquantity, Dividing sourceprediction method, Gas drainage methods, Theeffectof extraction, gas utilization
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