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A Study Of The Early-warning Methods Of Special Equipment Safety Supervision

Posted on:2012-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z X WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2181330452962066Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Special equipment is used widely in people’s everyday life, which may lead to seriouscasualties and loss of property if any accident occurs. The governments all over the world attachgreat importance to the supervision of special equipment, establishing all rules and regulations toensure the security and safety in using the equipment. The government of China has issued theRegulation on Safety Supervision of Special Equipment to make the processes of the design,manufacturing, installation, modification and maintenance of special equipment go smoothly.But the fact is that the accident rate of special equipment in China is4or6times higher than thatof the advanced countries. Therefore, the efficient supervision of the safety and security in theuse of special equipment should be given more emphasis. And more efforts should be made onthe enforcing the supervision of special equipment, urging people concerned to shoulder theresponsibility in the manufacturing, using and inspecting processes, so that minor accidents canbe found and eliminated in time. But owing to the booming economy of China more and moreequipment has been put in use than we can effectively supervise presently. Such problems as notimely safety supervision of special equipment in use and illegal uses in industry occur now andthen. Therefore, the top priority of the duties of the safety supervision agencies is to find theright way to increase the efficiency of the safety supervision of special equipment.Based on the theory of early-warning management of enterprise risks and the analysis of thecurrent problems in the supervision system, this thesis puts forward three different warningmethods according to three levels of supervision in the government: the single-factor indexwarning system of safety supervision, the index of supervision statistics warning system andcomprehensive evaluation warning model by using the method of the Analytic Hierarchy Processand fuzzy mathematics. Also, an empirical research is carried out to make comprehensiveevaluation warnings with the case of2009special equipment safety supervision in Fuzhou. Thethree-level warning system will enable the government officials to notice, diagnose, warn andcontrol the key factors affecting the safety of special equipment, which is an efficient brand-newadministrative model. The advantages of this model are: they can control beforehand instead ofdisposal afterwards, emphasizing on the key point instead of the vast points, dealing withadministrative information instead of data-processing, which upgrade the administrative levelsand safety efficiency. The main points of this thesis include: first, the analysis of the mainproblems in the current safety supervision of special equipment; second, the quantitative analysisof the statistics of the accidents of special equipment; third, the features of early-warning systemin safety supervision of special equipment; fourth, the evaluation system of the early-warningsystem of safety supervision of special equipment; fifth, an empirical research of safetysupervision of special equipment.
Keywords/Search Tags:special equipment, safety supervision, early-warningmethods
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