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The Study Of Collision Effects By Nondegenerate Four Wave Mixing In A Doppler System

Posted on:2016-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y CuiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Collision effect is the basis for many research fields. In recent years, with the application of cold atoms collide effect on technology and quantum information and quantum computing, atomic collision effect once again attracted a great deal of research interest.High resolution resonant four-wave mixing as a pure optical high-end fully coherent laser spectroscopy technique, with a wide range of applications.In this paper, the Doppler system to apply the technology of atomic collision research effect, and is currently probing the atomic population of atomic collisions longitudinal relaxation measurement technique, resonant four-wave mixing can study the impact on the two-level atomic coherence between transverse relaxation effect.We studied the Doppler broadening and Doppler systems dressed in two-photon resonance systems of non-degenerate four-wave mixing and collision caused reconstructed non-degenerate four-wave mixing in this thesis, the theory of resonant two four-wave mixing. Numerical analysis of pressure, temperature, and other parameters of the collision broadening coefficient collision signal reconstructed four-wave mixing effects. We found that with the buffer gas pressure increases, four-wave mixing caused by the collision energy transfer phenomenon caused by gradual increase, which reflects the situation of the Atomic Population inelastic collisions induced by low energy level on. Thus, two four-wave mixing in our study can be used as an effective means of energy levels of collision induced redistribution. Consider the Doppler effect, when the detuning is small, collision reconstructed four-wave mixing is Doppler broadening of the coverage; only the detuning is large enough, it can be observed collision reconstructed four-wave mixing signals.
Keywords/Search Tags:our-wave mixing, collision broadening of the, Doppler effect
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