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The Research On The Ecological Restoration Of Cylina Sinensis On The Beach

Posted on:2015-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M JiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Main purpose of this paper is to explore the function of the Cylina sinensis on therestoration the marine ecological environment and to explore the suitable benthic shellfishrepairing technology of ecological environment and provided the scientific basis for thefuture of bioremediation waters ecosystem research. The marine survey research isrespectively in May2012and October2012and select Qilihai sea waters (38.60°39.00°north latitude,118.15°east longitude118.15°) as the survey of study area.Survey arealayout three sections, the measured value water depth is0.26m. Three sampling sites areset up in waters upstream, midstream and downstream. Each sampling site set up twoparallel sampling points at every investigation. Use Cylina sinensis as the indicator speciesof repairing the marine ecosystem. Do repeated ingredients field investigation and theanalysis of water quality factor, the sediments of heavy metal elements, phytoplankton,Cylina sinensis itself physiological indexes and shellfish meat. And estimate the breedingof Cylina sinensis for total nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation, and the waters to Cylinasinensis repair effect on marine ecological environment effective ecological environmentassessment.The results showed that the Qilihai waters belongs to the mild pollution, water quality in amedium level of eutrophication.Water heavy metal pollution situation does not occur here.The marine sediment is not polluted by heavy metals and sediment environment is in astate of relatively good.Qilihai waters environmental conditions and the survival of foodsources for Cylina sinensis provides better environmental conditions. Qilihai waterschlorophyll-a, COD, total nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, total phosphorus and the determinationresults of active phosphate content curve trend similar to that of a number of water qualityindicators in shellfish repair area of content is the lowest, in addition, three biologicaldiversity index of comprehensive evaluation results, also show a shellfish to repair thewater quality situation best; Combined with Cylina sinensis breeding for this sea area ofthe total amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in water element calculation results, fullyillustrates the ecological environment of Qilihai waters become better because it is affectedby the repair effect of Cylina sinensis. By measuring the shellfish aquaculture repair areaitself physiological indexes and shellfish meat nutrition, illustrates the shellfish repair areaCylina sinensis growth in good condition. The Cylina sinensis used to repair the marineecological environment experiment Cylina sinensis basically no serious pollution of heavymetal element. Estimate the breeding of blue clams for this area to the total accumulationof nitrogen and phosphorus in water and know that breeding Cylina sinensis for biological nitrogen and phosphorus elements enrichment of water is very powerful. For Cylinasinensis repair of Marine ecological environment effect evaluation, also means mudflatshellfish ecological restoration technology on water and sediment environment all havecertain effect to repair. Comprehensive consideration, the bottom of the tidal flats ofsowing Cylina sinensis breeding on the marine ecological environment play a role inecological restoration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cylina sinensis, Marine ecological environment, Qilihai waters, beach
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