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Study On The Thought In Economy Of Sun Yat-sen

Posted on:2006-10-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2179360155463005Subject:China's modern history
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This year is the 80 anniversaries of Mr. Sun Yat-sen who is a great "flagman" in China's heading for modernization road. He is a great revolutionist of capitalism, not only experienced but also learned both in the west and east; He not only put forward the outline of Doctrine of San-min: By the people, Of the people, For the people" of capitalism, but also pointed out the more perfect solution of modernization for getting away from the feudalism governance in China, and also achieved rather many achievements in the economics area. From 1840 to the first half of 20 centuries in China, various thoughts looking like rising winds and scudding clouds, made people too many things to see. At that age, many thinkers were " each get excellent only for 3 to 5 years". Quite a few persons are all from the revolutionaries to laggards even reactionaries, only have Mr. Sun Yat-sen been trying to liberalize thoughts, even negative ego, always standing in front of history to be advanced in the revolution. He struggled to death and said: "so long as the revolution doesn't yet succeed, the comrade still needs the efforts." The spirit arduously for the Chinese nation deserves studying for the posterity.Sun Yat-sen's thought is great and deep, the author tries to set his economy thought as the main content. The first part introduces the purpose and meaning of research in Sun Yat-sen's economic thought, general study situation and the existent key problems in today's research. The second part introduces the main sources of his economic thought: Chinese traditional culture, especially the thoughts "For people" and " Great Harmony "; the geographic and born environment that goes into business traditionally in Guangdong; the modern economists' Mercantilism; thewestern economy thoughts, especially from Henry. George and German politician Bismarck,Otto Ftl Von; Sun's revolution practices and communism .The third part is the important one, introducing Sun Yat-sen's main economy theories from the angle of the economics. It is divided into six sections. The first section is about his viewson population, land and agriculture: Population- changing the people who areonce full to bring troubles to the huge human resources, he view about Malthusianism and criticize of " Yellow Peril" in those days, from which are worthyof drawing lessons for us today; Land*which the Chinese pay attention to butnever resolve more than 2 000 years from now. Sun Yat-sen's thought turned from " average right for land" into "every cultivator must have his farmland", and he took nourishment and distinguished its merits and demerits from Henry George'sUnitary pricing theory in land taxation. Agriculture-there is something to learnin Sun Yat-sen's physiocracy and modernization in agriculture; The second section: Sun Yat-sen's viewpoint on capital, industry, the liberal attitude to foreign capital which is prospective and private capital — " abstaining capital" thought which has the socialist characters, which is in line with the policy—depending upon the public-owned system along with variety forms of ownership. He realized bank as the core role in modern economy and he compromised the reform of banking. The third section: Sun Yat-sen's public finance, finance and the taxation thoughts, emphasizing on the understanding of modern public finance, depending on internal debts and foreign loans to develop economy, the influence of the contemporary public finance thought; his start point of financial reform is good but is unfeasible in economics. The fourth section discusses the convection theory of Sun Yat-sen, especially the transportation, business circulating; his understanding of railage and concrete programming of shipping industry .The fifth section discusses the viewpoints of Sun Yat-sen in the following aspects: communications and logistics, distribution, consumption, market economy, position and function of business and the restricts to the merchant capital. The sixth section emphasizes to discuss his theory on development economics and region economy development ,espically strategy target, strategy focal points, strategy ways and measures in China'seconomic developing, terraced and unbalanced development which are the laws in China's economic developing, the programming design of regional economy, the policy of development, systematism in regional economic development, the countermeasures of narrowing the gap between rich and poor and from the economics standpoint the paper analyzes the possibility and value of his standpoints theoretically .The fourth part analyzes Sun Yat-sen's characteristics of the economic thought curtly: foresight, imperfect, chimerical and materialistic.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sun Yat-sen, Economy Thought
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