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The Research Of Gu Yuxiu’s Economical Thought

Posted on:2013-07-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371976067Subject:China's modern history
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Gu Yuxiu is a relatively influential figure in modern China. He has a thorough knowledge of both Western and Chinese. He is a versatile learner who has outstanding achievements in science, education, literature, music and other aspects. He is also deeply interested in politics, particular, especially has the elaboration to the Chinese economy development. Current academic research on Gu Yuxiu is a small amount of research and not an in-depth one. It focuses on scientific thinking, ideas for education, and the introduction of its lineage. For the current academic economic though there is no research. This article mainly makes some elaboration to Gu Yuxiu’s economic thought; the primary coverage is divided into four parts.The first part, the main content is the introduction of Gu yuxiu himself, and his family background, social background in his growth. He is born in a famous and aristocratic family, and received a good traditional culture education since childhood, Confucianism’s traditional thought left a deep brand mark to him. Under the modern China social background, the West and East exchange collision, he is also like many other patriotic youths, going out the country to travel for pleasure the overseas, seeking saving path to rescue the nation.The second part is to explore Gu Yuxiu the whole idea of China’s economic development, which is mainly from the democratic political impact on the economy. He believes that political democracy has played a decisive role in economic development. Without a good social foundation for all economic development is out of the question. Sun zhongshan’s People’s Livelihood idealism deeply influenced in his economic thought.Gu Yuxiu thinks that China’s economic development should follow the principles of the People’s Livelihood Idealism. On the issue of social transformation, he thinks that social transformation is the basis of economic development; if social ills are not resolved the economic development would be difficult on the right track.The third part is the concrete ideas on social development. Gu Yuxiu proposed to achieve though the establishment of government regulation of land to the tiller, food public library system, emphasis on the construction of water conservancy construction, and implementation of the scientific methods of production approach to the development of agriculture; by promoting the commercialization of industrial production, the use of modern technology improved mode of production to achieve the industrial development; through the increased regulation of land ownership, foreign funds to increase the domestic financial sector and realize a good interaction between agriculture, Commerce and industry and the financial sector.The fourth part is to summarize and evaluate the economic thought of Gu Yuxiu.His economic thought is reflected in several features,"People in the public domain", development of all economic development is all about the people, to achieve development for the "all under heaven are equal".The second "highlight the leading role of government". Government should not interfere too much in economic development, mainly on the policy guidance of financial support. The three "importance to the domestic use " Sun zhongshan has pointed out that economic development should be of reasonable utilization of foreign investment, Gu yuxiu is also very much agree with this point, but he also proposed not only to utilize foreign investment, domestic funds also need to make reasonable use.His economic thought is proposed in the modern special historical background, with the obvious characteristics of the time, and absorbing the essence of the Sun zhongshan People’s Livelihood Idealism, open, the people, and pragmatic characteristics. After the reform and opening up, China’s economic development has made many commendable achievements, but there are still some deficiencies in some respect, and still needs further reform. His economic thought is still valuable for reference, the study of some of his economic ideas and learning from some of his ideas and methods are of great value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gu Yuxiu, economy, thought
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