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Graduation Design Selection System

Posted on:2011-04-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z W ChuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360332957308Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
To satisfy the bidirectional selectivity of graduates'topics of graduation design, and solve the problem of cockamamie distribution and administration manually, this paper designs and develops graduation design title selections system based on the web. This system has taken off the traditional working mode, made full use of network resources, increased the efficiency, and promoted the informationization development in every large university.This graduation design title selections system takes VS2005 as developing means, uses SQL Server 2005 as the background database, and adopts C# programming language to develop the graduation design title selections system. This system sets out four user permissions, these are: teachers, students, the group and the system administrators. The title selections module of the system has achieved system administrators monitor the job during the time of title selections, teacher set titles, the SDI group audit these titles, students select titles and administrators and SDI group match them. The bulletin module has achieved the function of administrators release the information according different objects, the program download module upload files by administrators for users download data conveniently.It has been proved by practice, this system has met the all the demand of work in the time of graduation design title selections, reduced teachers and students'workload, realized the separation between teachers and students. In this new mode of environment, breaking through the regional restrictions, making school managers, teachers and students can select titles on line by internet in prescribed time and any time, increase the work efficiency, realize the aim of low input costs and high office efficiency of schools.Topics of this paper, an online system, it is a good solution to these problems. It changed the previous class as a unit of the original hand-elective manner, instead of using an online personal topics based approach to link topics in graduate design students to achieve standardization of topics, intelligent, efficient , simple technology; greatly convenience of the students and teachers, significantly increase the work efficiency. System proposed in this paper refers to ASP.NET This powerful feature of the new framework for Web development. ASP.NET in the system in the operating system kernel and between applications so that applications can make better use of operating system functions, and makes application development faster and easier. The fundamental purpose of the system is to allow students to online topics in the membership, the teacher can be subject-line information input, information search, and easy to operate, quick response and so on.Topics through the graduation project management system can achieve the topics of the graduate design process systematic, standardized, paperless. Allows the user to operate the entire system simple and convenient, and reduce the students, teachers, labor intensity, improve work efficiency and management level, has great use value. And the system is based on B / S structure, without any programs installed on the client can use to achieve truly easy to use, easy to spread. Management system is modular, you can easily add and delete functions of the system. Thus, when new needs emerged after what may be part of the system by modifying the module, add and modify the system functionality to meet the new requirements. With the industrialization of education process step by step, the major colleges and universities have merged and embarked on a powerful combination, resource sharing of the road. Colleges and universities have been expanding, the reasonable use of teaching resources, and effectively strengthen the management of teaching, has become a major issue of great concern to universities. At present, teaching management, especially the students enrollment management, performance management, is widely used network management technology, designed for graduates of this important teaching, and other learning programs, as commonly used in the traditional stand-alone management , graduate design for the main results of the basic information and input and output work, and the topics for graduation, graduation design process management, and statistical analysis of graduation and other effects work is not included in the management system. With the current deepening of the reform of teaching, the school continues to expand the scale and how to effectively enhance the level of teaching management, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students and improve the quality of teaching graduate design management is the focus of teaching one.Currently, the graduation of two-way selection and graduation of the design process has become a dynamic tracking and communication aspects of teaching graduate design an important part of benevolence, University of Nottingham has developed a special management system to achieve the graduation of online two-way selection, have domestic Nankai University developed a graduate design for graduate design topics, students exchange and management of graduation project provides a good environment, and achieved good results. The system's main task is to complete the design aspects of the school graduates in the topic task management. The main intended users are students, teachers, will be problem sets, the administrator. The system administrator can turn on topics such as system setup functions, the management of user information operations (add, modify, delete), project management operations. ; Teachers, users can subject the system operation (add, modify, delete), view the topic, default student and personal information changes; SDI group of users view the report through the system unfortunately subject information, the audit subject information, after review The chanting students can choose topics; students online through the system can issue queries, topic selection, view the topic and personal information changes the situation.
Keywords/Search Tags:graduate design, selection, C#
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