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The Design And Implementation Of The Material Platform System For Zhejiang Mobile Company

Posted on:2011-10-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360305450684Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Material platform system for Zhejiang Mobile Company is an important component of the Operating System for Mobile Company. Material platform system is used for real-time monitoring and re-allocation of internal material by using advanced design methods and developed technologies. It is established in the real Operating System for Mobile Company. The system is used to solve a series of actual problems effectively such as the data redundancy, the resources waste, the imperfect surveillance mechanism, the statistical work timely and so on. The goal is to achieve management of the whole process of the material management work, so as to improve the efficiency of material runing and the allocation of the material.The Rational Unified Process is used as development tool and UML is used as description language for analyzing and design in this paper. The system adopts object-oriented idea on the material management, there are many aspects using requirements analysis and system design, such as material exchange, back exchange, replace exchange, warehouse management. For the user and system characteristics, the system implements many function modules in the process of material management, for example, exchange management, project management and warehouse management, using B/S architecture model in form, using multi-level software functional framework in function, based on the Common Object Request Broker Architecture and TUXEDO Middleware in technique. The system uses java and C++as the programming language and uses XML configuration, JSP technologies, OTL, STL and ORACLE data base. The system achieve exchange, back exchange, and replace exchange, warehouse management and Synchronization of the data.In the system requirements analysis, the system's overall business and business processes is described in detail. The main module of the relationship between functions and modules are described. It focuses on the analysis of material exchange management and warehouse management, the process of replace exchange the process of the back exchange. System technology architecture and function architecture is described in the preliminary design. In the detailed design of the system sequence diagram and activities diagram is used to analysis the major functions.Through a detailed description of papers; we obtain the design database model in the system. It also focuses on the database of material exchange management and warehouse management table views design. Presenting the main business logic with technology architecture.The limits of authority Adopts the user authentication, it will verify user information with configuration files before call the back services.OpenBroker which is used as the main technical architecture in BOSS achieves the main business logic. The OBD of OpenBroker encapsulates the access of the database and the realization of middleware. OBD is a kind of language which is used to describe the background to the database, the interface between the background modules as well as the interface between the front and background, allowing developers to focus on business. It reduces the coupling between modules, thereby enhancing the stability of the service to improve development efficiency.Now, the system has been used successfully by Zhejiang Mobile Company. It has a great effect and makes the material management the allocation of the material more efficient.
Keywords/Search Tags:Operating Systems, material exchange, CORBA, warehouse managent
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