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Research On Business Process And Application On University Enroll System Base On BPEL

Posted on:2011-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360302988245Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The fierce market competition requires enterprises to improve their business processes and strive continuously, adapt to market changes. The enterprises need for businesses to use the information means to achieve an advanced process management urgently. Make the business processes suit for themselves by analyzing business information, enabling to respond to market changes flexibility, enhance competitiveness.The traditional business systems business process coupled with a high degree of business systems, resulting in difficulty to change with the enterprise business systems, proposed WebService and XML standards SOA framework, use BPEL as a business process implementation language between the business sectors of business processes to achieve dynamic integration approach.BPEL is a criterion for Web services, is a high-level, abstract, executable modeling language, which is not only implements the interaction between Web services and process planning, but also be exposed as a Web service itself. Normally BPEL process receive the client's request, and invoke the relevant Web service, and then respond to the original caller. BPEL can be seen as an extension of WSDL, this expansion reflected in the BPEL model, such as the element depends on the WSDL port type, message, operation and other elements. The introduction of BPEL can assemble isolated, non-state portfolio Web services, which play Web services technology as an application integration platform full potential.In this paper, base on BPEL technology, I research how they could be applied to the school orientation system. Paper first introduces the concept of BPEL business processes and the development of the status quo. Then introduces BPEL and related technologies detailed basic principles. Finally, give the solution on BPEL business process applied to the school system.
Keywords/Search Tags:BPEL, business processes, Web Service
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