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Design And Implementation Of Operating And Decision-making System For Jilin Wine

Posted on:2009-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S G SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360272976648Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of society, industry, informationtechnology concept into more and more industries, Jilin Province,also in the wine company started building Wine Company in JilinProvince have begun building their own business systems. So far,the wine company in Jilin Province has established a complete setof business systems, business systems related to wine company inJilin Province and wine sales, purchase, inventory, customer,financial, sales, and so on.With the use of these systems, the system has accumulated alarge amount of data on all aspects of business, the use ofinformation resources for the province, at the city's leaders at alllevels and departments to provide the operating management,performance appraisal and other information to support decisionmakingis operating And decision-making System for Jilin wine Tosolve the main problem. According to the National Bureau ofassociated deployment, in 2006 the wine industry informationtechnology industry is a major initiative of the reunification of the data center building. Data center focus on data integration,information sharing, data warehouse and through the realization ofthe history of mass information storage and management of itsintuitive result in industry-wide "integrated digital" information andasset management capabilities across a big step. Against thisbackground, Jilin wine company to develop operating Anddecision-making System for Jilin wine。operating And decision-making System for Jilin wine Source ofthe data on data mainly from sales management systems, ecommercesystems, financial management systems, salesmanagement system, customer relationship management systems,financial management systems, data providers, the State Bureaudata, enterprise data brothers As well as other wine company inJilin Province is of great significance. From the users point of viewthe use of data ,operating And decision-making System for Jilinwine the main target should be to use the provincial and cityleadership, as well as the wine business analysts. The provincialand city leadership of the company's main show is a variety of keyindicators for decision-making and support information for analystsis the main show and its related business data.On the basis of the information content of the analysis, system requirements can be divided into three parts, namely, the keyindicator to display information and decision-making, statements ofthe enterprise to carry out analysis of the operation. Based on keyindicators show a complete set of indicators, focused on theleadership of the utmost concern to the operation and performancemanagement information, to reflect the company in Jilin Provinceand the city's points of the current and historical period operatingpicture of the situation. Information supply is the main objectProvince and the city at the leadership of the company. Decisionmakinginformation to display leadership as far as possible, thecompany can easily and quickly through a high degree ofunderstanding of the summary of the refining business decisionmakinginformation. Statements of the enterprise's clients aremainly the province's operating and management at the city'svarious departments, to provide users with counterparts in themanagement of financial, capital, sales, customer, inventory, sales,such as an integrated business statements and cross-businessGlobal statements, statements of the enterprise's production andhave submitted statements of the prefabricated, custom reports,queries impromptu statement in three ways. Analysis of theoperation of the use of OLAP, mathematical statistics and data mining techniques, for the realization of the theme of the multidimensional,in-depth analysis of the function. Cover sales,customers, sales, inventory, marketing, brand, capital, prices,profits, cost, the economy and so on a number of themes. Analysisof operating in the province and the city's points of the two front,with a theme of the two levels of content analysis are not the same.In the form of display, the text of the system, statements,documents, pie chart, histograms, trends, plans contrast, theproportion of maps, three-dimensional map display, and othermeans to the user.Wine Company in Jilin Province, "focused on big systems"concept, that is, all the business of database systems, applicationservers and systems are highly centralized and unifiedmanagement of the company in the province, the liquor companydirectly under the company at all levels can only access theinterface through the business System, the system can not beback. "Great focus system" for the analysis of the operating systemto support decision-making and access to information may beprovided.According to information applications, to show the realization ofthe three-tier structure in which layers of data, including data sources, data center storage, ETL (extract data conversion load)program consists of three parts; application service layer alsocontains information on engine upgrade, WEB applications andservices The two sub-levels.Data, the data source is the aforementioned operating Anddecision-making System for Jilin wine for the provision of businessinformation system, data or other forms of data.Data storage center, take the form from the relational databaseand OLAP database in two forms. Data from the general structureof the data warehouse data is divided into 4 layers of data: ODSlayer (that is, the source data interface layer), atomic layer (that is,the integration of the integrated business system data layer), themarket level (that is, large The amount of data for statisticalsummary of historical data in order to provide high-performancedata access layer of data), OLAP layer (the provision of multidimensionalanalysis of the data layer), OLAP data storage layer tothe OLAP database, the other layers of data to be stored inrelational databases.ETL process, the entire flow of data to the data source (thebusiness information system) -> ODS layer -> Atomic Layer ->market level -> OLAP layer. The use of the operating table and job scheduling table, reading through these two tables, to obtain therequired operations. From the data source to ODS-Etl of theprocess is completed by the DataStage, Etl taken to complete thispart of the system will be operational data into the data warehouse,the import Etl is characterized by relatively simple logic, does notneed too And more complex operations. The atomic layer, layermarket, OLAP data layer into the most logical logic may be morecomplicated and often accompanied by other operations.Datastage has been unable to meet the requirements, so the useof JAVA in the form of stored procedures to extract ETL atomiclayer, layer market, OLAP data layer is more suitable. And thenuse the data warehouse center in the design and realization ofJava stored procedures Datastage scheduling.Application services, and information to enhance engineoperation through the statistics, mathematical analysis, modeldriven,and other means to promote the realization of "data ->information -> knowledge," the goal of upgrading, and in theprocess of design, create, run and control the ability to support.operating And decision-making System for Jilin wine With the goalof the planning application, information, including the main engineto enhance engine OLAP, data mining engine, enterprise performance management engine, reporting engine, such as fourparts. System software using IBM HTTP Server and WebSphereApplication Server. Strus used as a framework for the developmentof the system, using J2EE architecture in the JSP, JDBC, andother popular techniques used, and the use of the open sourceEclipse as a development tool.Show, the combination of Hyperion Performance Suite packageto show and provide analysis of the ability to show.
Keywords/Search Tags:Decision-making
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