This dissertation was focused on ultra-short pulse sources and fiber supercontinuum (FSC) pulse source, which include:In the section of passively mode-locked fiber laser, we introduced the applications and classification of the passively mode-locked fiber laser. Then, the physical mechanism of nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR) passively mode-locked fiber laser, spectral sidebands and multi-pulse generation were analyzed in theory. Aσ-shaped cavity nonlinear polarization rotation passively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser was built up. Stable, self-starting 691.2fs mode-locked pulse at 6.25MHz repetition rate was obtained with an average output power of 1.487mW and a center wavelength of 1562.5nm.In the section of supercontinuum, we studied the influences of the self-phase modulation (SPM), the group velocity dispersion (GVD),the third-order dispersion (TOD), the four-wave mixing (FWM ) and the stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) on supercontinuum(SC) spectrum. SC was generated in fibers with different dispersion characteristic and length. SC was generated from a 4.57km DSF with 691.2fs pump pulses, 330nm 15dB bandwidth spectrum shorter than pump wavelength was obtained, while on the opposite side more than 238nm 20dB bandwidth was also obtained. SC was generated from a 4.28km DFF with 691.2fs pump pulses, 372nm 15dB bandwidth spectrum shorter than pump wavelength was obtained, while on the opposite side more than 232nm 20dB bandwidth was also obtained with 0.25dB spectral uniformity over 100nm. |