The modern ultrafast optical technology has become the subject of intensive investigation recently. A stable ultrashort pulse source is the basis of the femtosecond optics, and very important for the future ultra-high speed optical communication. This thesis experimentally and theoretically makes a relatively deep research into ultrshort pulse optical fiber source, and the main contents are as follows:I. Study on 20GHz Regeneratively Mode-locked Fiber Laser (RMLFL)1) Beginning with the operation principle of regeneratively mode-locking, we discuss, design and mearsure the basic RF components for a 20 GHz RMLFL in detail. An Er3+ doped fiber amplifier which meets our requirements for the 20 GHz RMLFL is well designed by a simulation on Optisystem and produced successfully.2) Based on the previous experimental experience of 10 GHz RMLFL, the complete scheme of 20 GHz RMLFL is proposed.II. The Generation of the 20GHz CS-RZ Optical Pulse1) Based on research and analysis of its generation theory and transmission performance, we make conclusion that the CS-RZ is fitter than NRZ for 40Gbit/s system.2) The 20GHz CS-RZ optical pulse is obtained by using 10GHz LiNbO3 electro-optic modulator which works at zero offset of transmission efficiency.3) The experiment frame of producing 40GHz WDM CS-RZ optical source is also proposed, by making the using of the 20GHz RMLFL as the seed optical pulse.III. Passively Mode-locked Er3+-doped Fiber Laser1) The theory of nonlinear polarization rotation is discussed and the self-starting of passively mode-locked fiber laser is also analyzed.2) Experimentally a novel sigma-cavity self-starting passively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser is established. Stable, self-starting 691.2fs pulse at the repetition of 6.25 MHz is obtained. Finally, the improvement plan based on dispersion compensation is also proposed. |