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The Design And Realization Of Purchasing Management And Inventory Management Subsystem With ERP System In The Modern Manufacturing Enterprise

Posted on:2008-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D J ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360242973766Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The conventional manufacturing establishment is relatively traditional on administration and technology. Therefore present information technology should be integrated with ME and manufacturing engineering by enterprise. And the unity need be applied to the supervise practive of enterprise. Through the above measure the enterprise could proceed flow restoration, thereby realize integration of stream with information flow and fund flow, and optimize managing, ameliorate operation of business supervise, shorten manufacturing of products cycle, improve the quality and efficiency of products, cut inventoriable cost, in season held market information. Thereof the enterprise could keep on enhancing their market straincapacity and ability to comete. With the advent of new economy Era, informatization devilopment strategy in production operations management demands enterprise supervise product mix, client order and library material. By means of above measure, it realize to inventory liquidating, to optimize stock managemet objecives, as well as to be able to supply consumer reasonable price, esthetic appearance, practical product, again to be able to advance emplyee's real income, to realize enterprise's sustainable development, to farthest exert these enterprise cum social resource, to realize manufacturing socialization, modernization, to unclose international manufacturing gate for enterprise. For achieving these goals, we object some bedrock of system development that trace of the idea of the both 00 and software engineering management. These advanced thought application take our exploitation and execution still hold true, ultimately system as scheduled carry into execution, and sustem operates reliable and stalilizing.This text, on the foundations of main function and technological characteristic of procurement management and two major module of stock control in analyzing enterprise's resource planning system (ERP), according to products, overall understanding and analysis of market, production and management to the manufacturing company, combine one's own characteristic of some processing -assembling type manufacturing company and characteristic of products, have made the feasible information-based construction plan for this enterprise. In analyze demand of enterprise this analyze, design information-based procedure of enterprise this, require and deal in production management system analysis of reality according to master plan to manufacturing company.It is carried into execution by Powerbuilder 8.0 , and is performed under Windows.It realizes modernization operating managemet of manufacturing establishment's purchase and stock. Enterprise's benefit is obviously improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:ERP, Purchasing Management, Inventory Management, PowerBuilder
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