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Fiber Speckle Interferometry And Its Application In Optical Encryption

Posted on:2008-06-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
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As a new micro-imaging and precision metering technology, ESPI has been newly studied but it hasn't been applied to all kinds of instruments in our country until now; on the other hand, there isn't substitution for it in some special applied field. A fiber electronic speckle pattern interferometer was presented. At the same time, a new ESPI method applied to optical encryption was presented.Based on the principle of ESPI, this dissertation assimilated benefits of fiber light guide communication, image processing and phase detection, and designed a fiber electronic speckle pattern interferometer. The whole system which can be used in testing both in-plane and out of-plane displacement and deformation of the rough surface is a synthesis of four optical setups. Experiments by established optical setup have provided favorable data.Random Amplitude-Phase Optical Encryption Based on Normal Speckle Interference was presented in this dissertation. Computational simulations showed that it has improved the capacity of shift tolerance, the flexibility of key codes and the dimensionality of encryption.At the end of this dissertation, the achievement of the work was pointed out. The ideal for improvement and the wide application of ESPI was presented.
Keywords/Search Tags:fiber electronic speckle pattern interferometry, image processing, phase detection, optical encryption
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