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Multitask Scheduling Research Of Multi-Embedded System

Posted on:2008-08-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G J OuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360215991201Subject:Control theory and control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The problem of multitask attemper is always the pop research field in the computer science, and many burgeoning subjects use the harvests of each their reseach field to resolve attemper problem.For example,the research of gene arithmetic,the research of artificial nerve network,the research of artificial intelligence and distributed artificial intelligence.they look on resolving attemper as one of application fields.The paper that researchs the multitask is based on multi-embedded system. The conception of multi-embedded system is the distributed computing system what consists of many embedded systems,and which are for the intent that resolving the complicated multitask problem in the pervasive computing environment and satisfying that pervasive compuingRequests computer configuration and function.Duing embedded system,every embedded system is in close contact with real word,and its state of computing close tracks the state of exterior environment.System follows the mechanism of collaboration to adjust independently itself based on environment transformation,and reacts neatly to the transformation of exterior environment and interior structure.To realize the collaboration during multi-embedded system.we must have the software platform what sustains the collaboration of mutli-embedded system.Large numbers of embedded equipments during network can be managered,and these that data exchange,message alternation,service detect,task collaboration,task transference and so on can be hold out with system via the platform.However,multitask attemper has the core effect in mutli-embedded system.The Primary work and achievements of this paper are summarized as follows:1. it discusses and analyses the system configuration of multi-embedded system in terms of real-time and distributing via the summarizes of pervasive computing and the research of embedded system by .2. it analyses the primary difficulty of multitask problem and the approach of resolving it in the configuration of multi-embeded system from starting with the problem of task scheduling in the distribution system and the arithmetic in common use during solving task scheduling.3. Facing to the multitask scheduling problem of multi-embedded system, It designs the simulated platform based on PVM in the Linux environment and simulates multi-task schedule in the platform.
Keywords/Search Tags:pervasive computing, multi-embedded system, distributed system, multitask scheduling arithmetic, Linux system
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