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An Algorithm Of GPU-Accelerated 2D Image Rendering Of Pencil-Drawing

Posted on:2007-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360212957401Subject:Computer software and theory
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The rendering technology has two types: the photorealistic rendering and the non-photorealistic rendering. The objective of PR (photorealistic rendering) is to pursue the effect similar with the reality, and it has a long history. The NPR (non-photorealistic rendering) is an arisen subject in the fields of computer graphics during the ten years, and mainly renders the photos in art style.Pencil-drawing is a kind of art form which regarding plastic arts just like painting as mainly displaying means and has a great value of art enjoyment, so it is very significative to learn how to realize the pencil-drawing style of photos. This paper describes a new method for 2D image rendering of pencil drawing. Aiming at the better Mao method of pencil drawing, I make a great progress at image segmentation and stroke rendering.At image segmentation, I know that the characteristic of pencil drawing is mainly realized by the different grayscale of strokes, so I partition an image by the grayscale value of its pixels and distribute them to eight ranks from black to white in base of the sensitivity of man's eyes for grayscale. The method of segmentation is in base of the man's physiological characteristic, and it's reasonable. I can know the method is successful when I see the final result image.At stokes rendering, I make a new method of strokes rendering. I use the real pencil textures to act on the object images, and I don't do mathematic operation of LIC to simulate the pencil strokes. These textures are selected according to the eight sections which are created in image segmentation. In GPU, I get the eight textures and use them to fill in the relational sections in order to get the style of pencil drawing. I can get better result than the Mao's, because I use the real pencil textures. While I can get different styles of pencil drawing if I change the textures such as the thick ones or the thin ones.I can get the better effect, and because of realizing the algorithm based on programmable GPU acceleration, it raised the calculation speed greatly apparently.
Keywords/Search Tags:NPR, Pencil-drawing Rendering, GPU, Edge Detection
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