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Research Of Multi-robot Remote Interaction Based On GIS

Posted on:2012-12-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X T ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330335962788Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Remote multi-robot interaction, expanding the human operation space, has a broad application prospects in telemedicine, space operation, industrial production and other areas. Multi-robot tele-operation is not a simple single robot teleoperation on the cumulative, the relationships in multi-robot system are extremely complex, if not handled properly, not only can not function as expected, but also make a single robot performance affected. In multi-robot system, the inappropriate distribution or misuse of resources is likely to cause conflict or deadlock. Therefore, it is necessary to study network interaction service model for multi-robot teleoperation, which ensure the exchange of information between robots and the sharing of resource, a well-designed interactive network service model is necessary for efficient cooperation in multi-robot system.Today, there have been numerous network interaction service model, such as early RPC, RMI, more mature CORBA, COM/DCOM, Web Service, the existing network interaction service model can not provide dynamic service, the service is manual or semi-automatic, and lack of interoperability and reusability, more importantly, these models do not support multi-robot teleoperation. In multi-robot remote interaction system, network resources and information is sent and used in the form of service. A good network service model can reduce the network delay, and make the robot more intelligent to deal with the surrounding environment.Therefore, after absorbing the advantages in existing network interaction service model, we propose a novel finite state machine based network interaction service model, this model imports Agent as a solution for resource sharing and use that can automatically search for resources and automatically run the tasks; the introduction of mobile GIS technology, support mobile environment with mobile robot position detection framework; By introducing the idea of data-driven, using the basic tasks we defined before, the robot can combined them to complete more complex tasks, which have a certain independence and reusability. This model consists of three finite state machine, namely Finite State Mobile Agent (FS-Agent), which is the basic service module. Service Content Finite State Machine (Content-FS), we use XML language to define workflow, to describe service content and service computation process. Mobile Agent computation model Finite State Machine (MACM-FS), used to describe the·service implementation.Finally, we apply this service model to the multi-robot system, the initially realization completing complex tasks in the form of multi-robot scheduling. It demonstrate that robot has a increase in intelligence, provide a wide solution space for critical issues such as task division, rational and efficient use of resource and multi-robot collaboration. This model is proved effectively.
Keywords/Search Tags:Multi-robot Remote Interaction, Network Interaction Service Model, Mobile Agent, FS-MAS
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