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Design Of Teaching Management System For North China Institute Of Science And Technology

Posted on:2010-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y NiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330332987775Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of universities and constant reforms in education system in our country, the workload and the complexity of universities'teaching management have increased dramatically. So it is necessary and urgent to develop an effective teaching management system based on network."North China Institute of Science and Technology Teaching Management System" Analysis the Academic Management System Functional Requirements and divides it into eleven functional subsystems; identifies thirteen actors, defines and describes the scenario of use case, and constructs "supplemental specifications" and "glossary".The focus of this paper are the design of elective management subsystem. Design is based on J2EE architecture.During the design process using UML visual modeling technology for elective management subsystem of the use case needs to capture, student course selection and information search as an example, because give their collaboration diagrams and sequence diagram, so that the whole process of developing more detailed, clear, improve system development efficiency and shorten the development time. The sbsystem use B/S three-tier model:lient layer, business layer and data layer. Client layer to the client's browser-based Web pages are displayed; business layer deal with course management process; data layers provide data storage. Users do business operations through the browser. Finally the use of JSP, Servlet, JavaBean and other technologies to SQL Server 2000 database for the background to achieve elective management subsystem.NCIST-TMS changes the approaches of teaching management radically, improves its efficiency greatly, and reduces the working intensity of the teaching management staff., so that schools, teachers and students all benefit from it. The development process and methods of NCIST-TMS are of great use for enterprises to develop other similar applications.
Keywords/Search Tags:Academic Management System, J2EE, UML, Public elective subsystem
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