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Integrated Supporting Design For Radar Summary

Posted on:2011-11-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330332966813Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When the foreign armed forces has began to equipped with a large number of new radars successively, and also began to study how to adjust the supporting system to meet the development of radars, a new generation of acquisition radar for the army has been started to develop. The integrated supporting design for the radar, including reliability, maintainability, and testability, should be processed according to the military standard from the programmed stage, so as to synchronize the radar test equipments, maintenance manuals with the development of the radar , thus to reduce the combat forming time of troops after equipping and form the maintenance and supporting ability of the radar.This article describes the requirements of supporting design during the radar development stage, including the supporting design and the planning of the supporting system .It provides the implementation projects and quality control requirements for the radar during the development stage, such as the reliability project management, reliability design and evaluation, reliability tests; the maintenance items and requirements for the whole process of radar life-cycle; the testing items and requirements for the radar during development and production stages, processing a comprehensive and effective testing management for the various stages of radar development and production to ensure the test requirements for needs of the mission. Based on compiling the specifications of reliability, maintainability, and testability, this article also provides the design process and design requirements during the design of reliability, maintainability and testability. After the development and production of radar, the capability of maintenance and supporting can be formed as soon as possible. As while as being equipped, the radar can bring the troops with long-term battle effectiveness, and make sure that the combat tasks can be accomplished successfully in the training or in the war time.
Keywords/Search Tags:Radar Equipment, Integrated Supporting Design, Radar Development
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