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Security Policy Research And Application Of E-government

Posted on:2011-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330332468357Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rapid development of network economy requires a correspondingly healthy social and economic order. In this contemporary with information-transferring occupying the leading position, setting up and enforcing an E-Government is a necessary and effective means to secure the stable development of social and economic order. There are still imperfections because of the late-start, though the construction of China's E-Government has already made some considerable progress. E-Government has its advantage of openness and convenience, but also the defect of safety hazard, such as disclosing non-public information, tampering or forging government documents, which will bring unpredictable damage to government or even the whole country. As a result, the issue of E-Government security, which is more important nowadays, has already become a problem crying for solution.This paper describes the subject's background and significance from a macro view. The author analyzes the advantages and defects of E-Government both home and abroad through comparison each other's differences. And she also dissects the divergences in architecture of E-Government and other network system. Then she points out that ensuring the security of E-Government is the most important thing to be solved by listing several causes leading to the safety hazard of intranet. The paper is an active preparation and basis for constructing a safe security system of E-Government on the basis of analyzing the expounding of ISO7498-2—he security system model of E-Government. Based on the analysis of the safety system in E-Government of sub-provincial cities, this paper surveys the subject in multi-aspect and from different views, for example the models, the features and also the designs of security systems. The author designs a set of basis and method, according to which she classifies the system E-Government. The author designs the data safety by combining the analysis of demand and the thoughts of system classification on the consideration of the aspects of network security, physical security, data security, application security and also security system.E-Government is a comprehensive information system which consists of government agencies, groups, organizations, enterprises and the social public. E-Government is of great significance, in which security of network monitoring system is the top priority. It covers multi-aspects of safety in information environment, information network, basic communication infrastructure, media, data, and information content and security. The theory in this paper can be used to instruct the construction of E-Government security system in sub-provincial cities. The author uses systematic methods to classify the security system of sub-provincial cities E-Government. The classifying results are described at large in this paper with applying theory to practice. The construction and application of e-government has the great significance in accelerating working speed, decreasing artificial quantity, improving work efficiency, reducing the cost of office work and labor intensity, raising working quality, strengthening team cooperation, aiding decision-making and also enhancing the level of management.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-government, Internet monitoring, Monitoring agent
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