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On The Occurrence And Present Situation Of "Post - Network Art"

Posted on:2017-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Post Internet" is a term emerging in art world between 2007 and 2009. However, the real era of internet just begins. Then what is "Post Internet"? Internet appeared in 1969 and so fat it has developed nearly half a century. At the beginning it was only applied in professional area while now it has infiltrated into all aspects of human life. The meaning of internet has a significant change. What we mean when we say "internet" changed and "Post Internet" is the shorthand for this change. "Post Internet art" is a new reform in art world in the age of "Post Internet"."Post Internet art" is a concept which refers to access in art world with the internet as the medium. Post Internet art is the art about internet. Compared with previous art forms, it has a great change in terms of creation material and observation object. "Post Internet art" depends on the internet platform for artistic creation. In the development of "Post Internet art", internet language and artistic language gradually assimilate with each other, forming a new internet art language.Internet changes the way people distribute and exchange information, bringing the world in front of us and leading human society to a fresh new stage. What comes with the era of Post Internet is the overuse of internet, an age without novelty. What we face now is no longer the unfamiliar technological problem, but how to utilize internet materials to respond to the common cultural environment. This paper explores the new art and the new art language under the age of internet. This paper also conducts a thorough analysis of the New York art critic Gene McHugh’s blog on "Post Internet art" written from December 2009 to September 2010 and summarizes the medium, art language, observation object and aesthetic significance of "Post Internet art".
Keywords/Search Tags:Post Internet art, Internet, Medium, Technology
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