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On The Methodological Significance Of "Direct Search"

Posted on:2017-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330485470124Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"ZhiXun", the initiation of the natural essence of poetry and the principles steps of poetry creation one of Zhong Rong core beliefs. It withstood the tests and changes of time; it has guided many poets and crit ics on the understanding and awareness of poetries, and continued to be praise hi ghly.Due to the im portance of ZhongRong’s theory in the field of poetry, this essay will concentrate on the in depht and comprehensive studies of "zhixun", from methodological point of view, focusing on it’s guidance in creation and appreciation, and its exploration on the m eaning and value of poetry.There will be three parts to this essay. The first part, th rough research and discussion of "Zhixun" core theory, to prove its important position in the history of poetry, and the role of envirom ental influence, vice versa.the Second part, through the creation and appreacia tion, this essay will inves tigate and explore the the development and improvement; ZhongRong’s "zhixun" believe in the essence of the poetry and the pursue of perfection; Poet s experience life through their surrounding, and inspiration often time enable them to create wonderful works, and ZhongRong believed this was the cornerstone in poetry creation.The final part, to take a look in how the brilliant ancient poetic theory can play a role for the construction of Chinese contemporary poetic and languange, so that we can learn valuable lessons from these timeless theories.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhong Rong, "ZhiXun", methodology
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