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The Transformation Of "Soil" And "Yang"

Posted on:2017-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L HeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Luo Gongliu as several significant changes in the development of Chinese oil painting, participants and witnesses the work plays an important role in the position in the history of Chinese oil painting. From early 1951 years of revolutionary history painting<trench warfare> and<the rectification report> that 1955-1958, three years of the Soviet union during the learning a lot of paintings and copying works, after returning to the nationalization of oil painting to achieve the goal of changing style finally formed his mature painting language, Luo Gongliu will all his life time dedicated to the art career. Oil painting as the core of his art development, on the longitudinal development clues to change many times, which most of the changes around the oil painting color this basic proposition, this article from the perspective of color, research Luo Gongliu revolutionary history, naturalistic painting and freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting "soil" and "foreign" between and among oil painting color change.
Keywords/Search Tags:Luo Gongliu, oil painting art, Colour strategy, soil foreign
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