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A Study On The Effectiveness Of Visual Communication Design On Local Economic Development

Posted on:2017-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Q DingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330482984765Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the rapid development of Yunnan Moringa industry, with the support of the design but generally low levels, from the appearance features, the confusion evident in product positioning, brand image is weak, similar packaging design, advertising, lack of creativity and so on, not can effectively play the role of promoting the visual communication design Yunnan Moringa product promotion and sales. Yunnan Moringa urgently needed by industry to promote the brand of visual communication design, create a group of influential brand and high value-added products, in order to construct a "green economic province" and promote local economic development play an active role.This paper describes the relationship between the visual communication design and local economic development, the system demonstrates the economic development and prosperity created a visual communication design, visual communication design at the same time prosperity and promote the development of industries with local characteristics. In art and design, economics, ecology, psychology, marketing theory, the use of induction comparative analysis, qualitative and quantitative, theoretical and empirical combination of methods, theoretical analysis of Yunnan Moringa Product Design and Analysis architecture. Secondly, Moringa product design problems proposed design principles and design strategies have Effectiveness, and for concrete examples to explore the feasibility of the design, hoping to promote the development of Yunnan Moringa industry, but can be for future research reference examples.
Keywords/Search Tags:visual communication design, local economic development, Yunnan Moringa products, Effectiveness
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