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A Study Of Chizhou Poems In The Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2016-08-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330473960669Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chizhou,in the southwest of Anhui Province today. Since the Tang Dynasty Chizhou was setted by the Li’s imperial courthome as a state,which was administered by the Xuanshe government officials and belonged to the west of Jiangnan area.Chizhou was a smaller state in the period of Yuanhe because of its population quantity,which of that was less than twenty thousand.Chizhou in the Tang Dynasty had jurisdiction over four counties:Qiupu, Qingyang, Zhide, Shidai. Chizhou is located in the south bank of the Yangtze River.After the An-shi Rebellion, Chizhou attracted a large number of poets to come owing to the rapid development of the socio-economic, demographic, traffic factors compared to the early days.Those poets came to Chizhou for being officials,roaming,living in seclusion and so on.They created many unique Chizhou poetry which had geographical features and characteristics of the Tang Dynasty’s epoch.Those poets and their poetry have made a great contribution to the poetry in the southern area in Tang Dynasty.This paper tries to research the poets and their poetry of Chizhou in the Tang Dynasty based on the collection and analysis of the related information.Meantime,combing with the social situation of the southern region of the Tang Dynasty, the paper tries to discover the unique life experience of these poets and of the geographical features of these poetry,so that we can have a comprehensive understanding on the style and features of these poets and poetry. The paper discusses four chapters:The first chapter is an overview of the Chizhou and its regional features in Tang Dynasty. By introducing the history and the overview of the territory and landscape in Chizhou, we can give an overall interpretation about the historical and geographical situation based on the geography.The second chapter is the study about the poetry written by the local poets in Chizhou in Tang Dynasty.First of all,the chapter give a brief research on the identity information about the membership poets based on the article called Research On the Membership of Poets in Tang Dynasty written by professor Chen Shangjun.And then,we have made a brief analysis about the theme and content of these poetry written by the local poets.The third chapter is the study about the poetry written by the non-native poets in Chizhou in Tang Dynasty.First, Poets is divided into several categories.Among them, Li Bai and Du Mu have been chosen as the most representative poet to be analyzed.By researching their track and intercourse in Chizhou in Tang Dynasty,we can analyze the characteristics of their poetry.In addition, the characteristics of these poetry written by poets who came to Chizhou as customs have been studied according to officials, Monk Poet, roaming poets and living poets in Chizhou in Tang Dynasty.Chapter IV is the study about group creation and the characteristics of poetry in Chizhou in the Tang Dynasty.Firstly,important literary events in Chizhou in the Tang Dynasty have been studied. And then,Chizhou poetry features in the Tang Dynasty mean to discuss from the aspects of subject matter, emotional expression,poetry insinuation and artistic conception.It can be seen that Chizhou poetry in the Tang Dynasty focus on showing the landscape and the tranquil life in the territory,which aroused the performance of religious overtones and forestry savor. But,with the impact of the poet’s own experience and social environment, these poets created a artistic conception full of quiet,cold,gloomy miserable feelings by using lonely and chilly imagery and cold color language,which is unique.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang Dynasty, Chizhou, Poets, Poetry, Characteristic
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