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On The Ideas Of Education In Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2016-06-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H C LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330467451488Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of social politics, economy and culture, drama has beenbooming in the Yuan Dynasty, in the Ming Dynasty drama did not decline but tocontinue moving forward. Later period of Ming dynasty,the rise of dynasties marksthe development of Ming dynasty opera has entered a new stage.The special socialand culture environment of Ming Dynasty provided the condition for the furtherdevelopment of opera, the stability of state power, the promotion of the ruling classand the characteristics of the drama itself is easy to understand, all these aboveprovide a good social environment for the development of opera. In thisbackground,the development of drama in Ming dynasty have their own distinct eracharacteristic.With the development of the society in Ming Dynasty, the developmentof opera in different periods is also different. After the development of the MingDynasty, the opera has been more perfected in the ideological content and the formstructure.Good literature can not be divorced from social reality and exist independently ofthe Ming Dynasty inherited the ancient Chinese plays “edutainment” culture tradition,using drama to promote enlightenment thought. The Ming Dynasty creatorsconsciously or unconsciously added some of the ethical content into the dramacreation influenced by social environment at that time, made the opera has thefunction of social education.Enlightenment thought of the Ming drama mainly around the laws of feudalethics, to promote patriotic loyalty, remain devoted parents, women chastity, good andevil eventually reported and other ethical enlightenment from the views on loyalty andfilial piety, chastity and righteousness, good and evil, honest and upright and ghostsand gods five parts. Which contains the unique characteristics of Ming dynasty,Which contains the unique characteristics of Ming dynasty,for example, in the filialpiety dilemma, emphasizes cherished thoughts. When the emphasis on filial piety,tocalculate the fame, their families, serve the country. Made the people betterunderstanding of the laws and ethical connotation by watching opera performance, tosubtle influence people’s behavior and help them to keep the code of ethics in theirdaily life; give full play of drama education function. To realize the purpose ofeducate citizens and safeguard the role of the ruling class. In the Ming Dynasty, the enlightenment thoughts in opera have its unique markunder the special social background. The royal family directly involved in the creationof traditional opera is a special phenomenon compared with the former generation ofdrama development.The participation of the royal family makes drama educationfunction is more outstanding. And the emphasis of enlightenment thought of MingDynasty and Yuan Dynasty is different. Enlightenment of Ming dynasty opera, interms of filial piety relationships, attach more importance to loyal; In the aspect ofwomen chastity, more emphasis on women chastity view. It is the unique place addednew colors to the development of drama in Ming Dynasty. Ming Dynasty opera notonly from positive to promote the feudal ethical code of ethics, but also from thereverse side to satirize the darkness of the society, depicting the real life humanfeelings of apathy and pour situation of the people. Ming drama of enlightenmentthought of a reflection of social reality has a profound social significance.In the Ming dynasty opera enlightenment thought embodies the spirit of the eraof Ming drama, has a profound impact on the later development of the opera.Draw onthe wisdom of the traditional culture applied to contemporary moral cultureconstruction, learning through playing positive role, for the construction ofharmonious society also has a positive effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming Dynasty, opera, enlightenment
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