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A Study Of John Stazzitz 's Symphony Of Music

Posted on:2015-10-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P P ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Johann·Wenzel·Anton·Stamitz was a composer of the early Classicalperiod that deserves the name. He has made a great contribution to promotethe development of music during this period. Not only inherited themusical characteristics of Baroque, but also laid a solid foundation forHaydn, Mozart, Beethoven and other composers’music creation. This periodis not only a transition stage between Baroque and Classical, but alsoformed a unique style features and new genre, is of high artistic value.In this period, Representatives of John· Stamitz made a greatcontribution to the development of the Mannheim orchestra music, playspivot roles. Not only laid the basic format of early symphony, but alsopointed out the direction for the development of the symphony.John·Stamitz established the embryonic form of the symphony in fourmovements of the structure, and introduced a new instrument clarinet intothe symphony of creation, also use "crescendo and decrescendo" in style,made important contribution to the development of early symphony.The symphony occupies an important position in the development ofwestern music, even today, profoundly affects us. Research John Stamitz’s Symphony can provide us a new understanding with the formation anddevelopment of the orchestra has. It’s helpful for us to grasp the musicstyle characteristic of the time and the composer’s creation skills, atthe same time, his treatment of the internal structure of the symphonyhad a deep influence on later composers. Anyway,we can’t neglect thegreat contribution which John·Stamitz has made in the early process ofthe symphony orchestra, the efforts of the superb perfectly logical thattoday we hear and know the form of music, therefore, back at thedevelopment of symphony, John·Stamitz is an important founder.The purpose of this paper is that we shouldn’t forget that besides the mature successful research and analysis about the Classical andRomantic Symphony, many outstanding composers’ which J· Stamitzpredominates contribution to the early classical period contribute to thesymphony. The paper has three courses: the early classical musicdevelopment, J·Stamitz’s growth process and youth creative impulses andJohn·Stamitz symphony and mature.Through research, hopes make musicologyanalysis and research of Symphony thought and music performance. ShowingJohn·Stamitz and the symphony of the classical period the development ofthe art charm.
Keywords/Search Tags:Johann·Stamitz, symphony, Music features
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