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On The Reinterpretation Of The Four Sentences And Yangming 's Learning

Posted on:2014-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330452454237Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
‘YangMing School’, actually, came from YangMing’s thought and thought ofpost-YangMing’s era.‘The-four-sentence-teaching’ is a good summary to YangMing’sthoughts in his later years. This began the division of the school and the argument ofpost-YangMing’s era.So, we start from the analysis of ‘the-four-sentence-teaching’and focus on it, then think over the thought of ‘YangMing School’.However,the understanding and explanation of‘the-four-teaching-thought’ is still adisputable question. In our opinion, this argument came from how to understand theconstruction question of ‘Ontology—Gongfu’ with a Confucian school of idealistphilosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties. It was influenced by the Buddhismthinking pattern that,the innate mind has two different uses, and an ontology has twodifferent uses as well. We can see two levels, which are Level Incorporeity and LevelCorporeity.Just as what MouZongsan found, the Theory of Two Level Existence,which one exists from the ontology and the other from the Gongfu. Horizontally,theLevel Ontology shows us the essence and the nature, just like the relation between thelight and its rays. The neo-Confucianisms integrate something existent intoincorporeity. YangMing found the same study, the origin of noumenon is that, theheavenly principles of Confucianism.The state of having neither the good nor evil ismotionless, however, consciousness is the unification of the supreme good and thedisgood, telling right from wrong.Vertically, the four-teaching-thought embodies thelet-it-be application. Its noumenon and Gongfu embody the orderrelationship.consciousnessâ†'thoughtâ†'things.This means,thought comes from theconsciousness,and depends on things. Thus,YangMing’s thought means that thethought and things are not consciousness.The analysis of things centers on correctingthe thought and things.Because of the different understandings of the-four-sentence-teaching inpost-YangMing’s School,developing the-four-sentence-teaching in each field,andforms plenty of schools.First of all,the understanding of the noumenon level comesout the divarications:the ones who agree on holding on the Theory of Four‘You’,which has the good and the evil;the others who agree on the Theory of Four‘Wu’,which is motionless.Second of all,the application of noumenon in the Gongfunaturally forms the thought.In a word,the Post-YoungMing’s School can not comparewith the YongMing’s School.
Keywords/Search Tags:YangMing’s School, Four Sentence Teaching, One Noumenon with twonature, explain the ways
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